5 Contoh Report Text + Terjemahan, TERBARU!!!

Contoh Report Text Sebagaimana telah dijelaskan secara lengkap di artikel sebelumnya tentang Pejenjelasan Report Text, report text adalah salah satu jenis teks description yang berfungsi memberikan informasi atau gambaran mengenai suatu objek atas hasil sebuah observasi atau penelitian yang mendalam. Nah, untuk menambah pemahaman pembaca sekalian dalam memahami report text dan cara membuatnya. Pada kesempatan kali ini akan menghadirkan sejumlah contoh report text singkat beserta terjemahan/artinya. Semoga dari contoh-contoh report text di bawah ini nantinya teman-teman sekalian bisa membuat report text sendiri yang jauh lebih baik tentunya. Semoga bermnafaat. Check this out!!!

 Sebagaimana telah dijelaskan secara lengkap di artikel sebelumnya tentang Pejenjelasan Re 5 Contoh Report Text + Terjemahan, TERBARU!!!

1. Contoh Report Text: Jaguar + Terjemahan
Jaguar or Paanthera Onca is the only one of the world's 'big' cats which inhabits in American continent. Jaguar used to be the top predator in American continent long before human expansion. Nowadays, Jaguars are facing great danger of extinction. They are having completely disappeared from a number of areas. Here a description of Jaguar. Selengkapnya...

2. Contoh Report Text: Harimau Putih + Terjemahan
White Tiger (Panthera Tigris Tigris) is a subspecies of Tiger which is found throughout the Indian subcontinent. Although the range of the White Tiger is historically very large, these animals are incredibly rare as their coloration is dependent on gene that is passed on from their parents. Over the past couple of centuries the White Tiger has become even rarer in the wild due to mass hunting activities. There have been no recorded sightings of White Tigers for the past 50 years in the wild. Selengkapnya...

3. Contoh Report Text: Panda + Terjemahan
The Panda is a species of bear that is found in the mountains of central and western China. One of the most famous and easily identifiable animals in the world, the Panda is also considered as one of the rarest animal and is under immense threat in its natural environment, primarily from habitat loss. Here is a description about the Panda. Selengkapnya...

4. Contoh Report Text: Jupiter + Terjemahan
Jupiter is one of planets in our solar system. Jupiter is named after the king of the gods in Roman mythology due to its size which is the biggest in the solar system. Here is a description of planet Jupiter. Selengkapnya...

5. Contoh Report Text: Galaksi Bima Sakit + Terjemahan
We live in a planet called Earth. Earth is one of eight planets which orbit a star called Sun. Sun is one of billion stars spread out around a galaxy named Milky Way Galaxy. If one star consists of eight to ten planets, how many planets are in one galaxy? The answer is uncountable. Milky Way Galaxy is one of billions galaxy in the universe. Milky Way is the galaxy where home planet, Earth, resides. Here are facts about Milky Way Galaxy. Selengkapnya...

Semoga kumpulan contoh report text di atas bisa memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang apa itu report text dan bagaimana cara membuatnya. Semua contoh report text yang dihadirkan di atas memang jauh dari kata sempurna, untuk itu pernah serta teman-teman sekalian dalam memberikan kritik dan saran yang membangun akan sangat berarti. Jangan lupa untuk like atau share artikel ini ke teman-teman lainnya juga ya. Terima kasih... ^^English is Fun^^

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