Penjelasan Past Future Perfect Tense Beserta Contoh Terlengkap
Friday, June 24, 2016 - Penjelasan Past Future Perfect Tense Beserta Contoh Terlengkap. Simple Past Future Perfect Tense adalah salah suatu bentuk tenses atau bentuk kata kerja yang membicarakan aktivitas yang tidak terjadi, mungkin terjadi, atau sebenarnya dapat dilakukan namun tidak berhasil dilakukan di masa lampau. Secara sederhana bisa diartikan sebagai kata kerja yang menunjukkan bahwa tindakan akan telah selesai di beberapa titik waktu tertentu di masa depan. Cukup rumit untuk dipahami, mari kita lanjutkan pembahasan ini dengan melihat pola dan contoh pada penjelasan dibawah ini.
Dalam kalimat Simple Past Future Perfect Tense terdapat dua susunan kalimat yaitu Verbal sentence dan Nominal sentence.
(+) Kalimat Positive
(-) Kalimat Negative
(?) Kalimat Interogative
Penggunaan tenses Simple Past Future Perfect Tense (Verbal Form)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang akan seharusnya telah selesai dilakukan dimasa lampau. Jadi, kenyataannya hal tersebut dapat dilakukan di masa lalu namun tidak dilakukan atau tidak berhasil dilakukan. berikut beberapa contohnya.
Digunakan untuk membicarakan sesuatu yang tidak mungkin terjadi karena condition-nya tidak pernah terjadi di masa lampau (conditional type 3). berikut beberapa contohnya.
Catatan :
Simple past future perfect tense menggukan kata kerja bantu (Auxiliary) would have kemudian di ikuti kata kerja ketiga (Past Participle).
(+) Kalimat Positive
(-) Kalimat Negative
(?) Kalimat Interogative
Penggunaan tenses Simple Past Future Perfect Tense (Nominal Form)
Perlu dicatat, dalam kalimat nomimal setelah would have been diikuti complement yang terdiri dari (Adjective, Noun, Adverb).
Dalam kalimat Simple Past Future Perfect Tense terdapat dua susunan kalimat yaitu Verbal sentence dan Nominal sentence.
Bentuk Verbal (+) Subject + Should/Would + Have + Verb-3 + Object (-) Subject + Shouldn't/Wouldn't + Have + Verb-3 + Object (?) Should/Would + Subject + Have + Verb-3 + Object Contoh (+) We would have done our homework by 10 o'clock last night. (-) We wouldn't have done our homework by 10 o'clock last night. (?) Would we have done our homework by 10 o'clock last night? |
Subject | Auxiliary | Have | Verb-3 | Object | Adverb |
I | |||||
You | |||||
We | would | have | finished | the essay | by yesterday. |
They | |||||
Jack and Jane | |||||
He | |||||
She | |||||
It | would | have | finished | the essay | by yesterday. |
Jack | |||||
My mother |
Subject | Auxiliary | Have | Verb-3 | Object | Adverb |
I | |||||
You | |||||
We | would not | have | finished | the essay | by yesterday. |
They | |||||
Jack and Jane | |||||
He | |||||
She | |||||
It | would not | have | finished | the essay | by yesterday. |
Jack | |||||
My mother |
Auxiliary | Subject | Have | Verb-3 | Object | Adverb |
I | |||||
You | |||||
Would | we | have | finished | the essay | by yesterday? |
They | |||||
Jack and Jane | |||||
He | |||||
She | |||||
Would | it | have | finished | the essay | by yesterday? |
Jack | |||||
My mother |
Penggunaan tenses Simple Past Future Perfect Tense (Verbal Form)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang akan seharusnya telah selesai dilakukan dimasa lampau. Jadi, kenyataannya hal tersebut dapat dilakukan di masa lalu namun tidak dilakukan atau tidak berhasil dilakukan. berikut beberapa contohnya.
No | Example | Translate |
1 | I would have arrived in Padang by 7 o'clock last night. | Saya seharusnya sudah tiba di Padang menjelang pukul 7 tadi malam. |
2 | She would have graduated from University unfortunately she got accident. | Dia akan lulus dari Universitas sayangnya dia mengalami kecelakaan. |
3 | We would have returned home by five o'clock yesterday. | Kami akan kembali ke rumah pada pukul lima kemarin. |
4 | They shouldn't have completed the project by July last year. | Mereka seharusnya tidak menyelesaikan proyek itu pada Juli tahun lalu. |
5 | I would have caught that pickpocket last night, but he could hazy out from me. | Saya akan telah menangkap pencuri itu kemarin malam, tapi dia berhasil kabur dariku. |
No | Example | Translate |
1 | If I had worked harder, I would have passed the exam. | Jika saya telah bekerja keras saya akan lulus ujian. |
2 | Johny would have cleaned out the apartment if his father had arrived there. | Johny akan membersihkan apartemen jika ayahnya tiba di sana. |
3 | If you had asked me, I would have helped you. | Jika kamu bertanya padaku, saya akan membantumu. |
4 | If we had gone to the concert, we would have seen Iwan Fals. | Jika kita pergi ke konser, kita akan melihat Iwan Fals. |
5 | We would have walked to the museum if it had not started to rain. | Kami akan berjalan ke museum, jika tidak mulai turun hujan. |
Simple past future perfect tense menggukan kata kerja bantu (Auxiliary) would have kemudian di ikuti kata kerja ketiga (Past Participle).
Bentuk Nominal (+) Subject + Should/Would + Have + Been + Complement (-) Subject + Shouldn't/Wouldn't + Have + Been + Complement (?) Should/Would + Subject + Have + Been + Complement Contoh (+) I would have been a king last week. (-) I wouldn't have been a king last week. (?) Would I have been a king last week? |
Subject | Auxiliary | Have | Been | Complement | Adverb |
I | |||||
You | |||||
We | would | have | been | a teacher | last month. |
They | |||||
Jack and Jane | |||||
He | |||||
She | |||||
It | would | have | been | a teacher | last month. |
Jack | |||||
My mother |
Subject | Auxiliary | Have | Been | Complement | Adverb | |
I | ||||||
You | ||||||
We | would not | have | been | a teacher | last month. | |
They | ||||||
Jack and Jane | ||||||
He | ||||||
She | ||||||
It | would not | have | been | a teacher | last month. | |
Jack | ||||||
My mother |
Auxiliary | Subject | Have | Been | Complement | Adverb | |
I | ||||||
You | ||||||
Would | we | have | been | a teacher | last month? | |
They | ||||||
Jack and Jane | ||||||
He | ||||||
She | ||||||
Would | it | have | been | a teacher | last month? | |
Jack | ||||||
My mother |
Penggunaan tenses Simple Past Future Perfect Tense (Nominal Form)
Perlu dicatat, dalam kalimat nomimal setelah would have been diikuti complement yang terdiri dari (Adjective, Noun, Adverb).
No | Example | Translate |
1 | I would have been very upset yesterday. | Saya akan merasa sanagt sedih besok. |
2 | We would have been lunch together. | Kami akan telah makan siang bersama. |
3 | They wouldn't have been smart students. | Mereka tidak akan menjadi anak-anak yang pintar. |
4 | The cafe would have been very big. | Kafe itu akan telah sangat besar. |
5 | Would we have been in Kalimantan by Monday last week? | Apakah kami akan telah di Kalimantan menjelang senin minggu lalu? |