Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA Kabupaten Lombok Timur 2015

Soal Ujicoba-1 Ujian Nasional 2015 SMA/MA Kabupaten Lombok Timur

Mata Pelajaran         : Bahasa Inggris
Hari, Tanggal           : ...., ...  2015
Jam                             : ..

  1. Isilah Nomor Ujian, Nama Peserta dan Tanggal Lhir pada lembar Jawaban Unjian Nasional (LJUN), sesuai petunjuk di LJUN.
  2. Hitamkan bulatan di depan nama mata ujian pada LJUN
  3. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mngerjakan paket tes tersebut.
  4. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) atau 5 (lima) pilihan jawaban
  5. Periksa dann bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya
  6. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar oal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak lengkap
  7. Mintalah kerts buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan
  8. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya
  9. Periksalh pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian
  10. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret, difotokopi atau digandakan

Listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are 3 parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I

Question 1 to 5.
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The dialogues or questions will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.

After you hear a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear:
Man                 : How about exercising tomorrow morning?
Woman                        : Alright. Pick me up at six

You will also hear:
Narrator           : What will the man do?

You’ll read in your test book:
  1. Do exercise at 6
  2. Go with six women
  3. Take exercise alone
  4. Leave the woman alone
  5. Come to the woman’s house

The best answer to the question is “Come to the woman’s house.”
Therefore, you should choose answer (e)

1.            a. at school
         b. at the market
         c. in a library
         d. at the bank
         e. on the road

2.   a. a little ice cream and cake
b. an article about the boy’s school
c. something to eat for the boy
d. the living room of the family
e. the boy and his mom’s conversation

3.   a. a permission
      b. a pride
      c. an advice
      d. an apology
      e. a satisfaction

4.   a.   permission
b.      advice
c.       agreement
d.      disagreement
e.       ability

5.      a. going to school
      b. going home
      c. having dinner
      d. going shopping
      e. taking a note

Part II

Questions 6 to 10
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions or statements spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question or statement.

Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear:
Woman            : Good morning, John. How are you?
Man                 : ........
You will also hear:
  1. I am fine, thank you
  2. I am in the living room
  3. Let me introduce myself
  4. My name is John Travolta.

The best answer to the question “How are you?” is choice (a), “I am fine, thank you”
Therefore, you should choose answer (a)

6.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

7.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III

Questions 11 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
After you hear a monologue and the questions about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the questions you have heard.

11.              a.   when children are born
b.      before children are born
c.       after the children are born
d.      when the children are punished
e.       during the first two years

12.              a.   to stop them being misbehavior
b.      to punish them for being rude
c.       to help them gain self-control
d.      to give them punishment
e.       to tell them what we believe
13.              a.    5 years old
b.      8 years old
c.       10 years old
d.      15 years old
e.       18 years old

14.              a.   she liked the sound of piano
b.      she wanted to entertain people
c.       she wanted buy piano
d.      she wanted to be able to play it
e.       she wanted to teach people

15.              a.   the largest and beautiful city in Bosnia
b.      a lot of factories and many rivers in Bosnia
c.       600,000 people and winter Olympic in Bosnia
d.      a famous and beautiful mountain in Bosnia
e.       a beautiful snow and mosques in Bosnia

This is the end of the Listening Section

Reading Section

This text is for questions 16 to 18

ESLI Calendar
There are five admission dates each year:
a.      January – April
b.      March – May
2nd week of January
3rd week of March
a. June – August

2nd week of June
a.      August – December
b.      October – December

4th week of August
2nd week of October

16.        The text is about ……
a.       The names of all season of the year in Europe
b.      The time taken of language course each month.
c.       The schedule of ESLI admission dates each year
d.      The schedule for whole of academic year.
e.       The requirements for all participants of ESLI.
17.        The following statement that is NOT TRUE according to the text is ….
a.       In Spring Semester, there are two admission dates
b.      The Summer Session is the longest course of the year.
c.       In Summer Session, the course is for about 6 to 7 weeks.
d.      The Fall Semester participants will arrive before Summer Session ends.
e.       The shortest course is March – May of Spring Semester.

18.        Which one of the five admission dates is full semester or the longest?
a.       January - April.
b.      March - May.
c.       August - December.
d.      June - August.
e.       October - December.

Text-1 for questions 19 to 23

            An X-ray is a spectrum of light. When it is radiated through one’s body, it can be used for detecting his/her internal body organs. The X-ray was invented by a German scientist, Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen. Despite the fact that X-rays can detect cancer, cysts, and tumors, there are many conflicting opinions abut the use of X-ray in the hospital.
            Some people agree that an X-ray examination is beneficial. They argue that doctors should use an X-ray in examining a severe illness. If the doctors do not use the X-ray, they could miss some important information which is useful in making a diagnosis on a patient’s disease. This will sometimes cause a doctor to be in accurate in prescribing medicine to cure an illness.
            Other people, however, disagree with the use of X-ray examination. They think that using an X-Ray examination will cost them a lot of money. That is really true. Another reason is that the radiation of an X-ray has some risks to body tissues.
            As a result if this controversy, many people use traditional health cure to avoid the high cost of hospital care because hospital still insist on having X-ray examinations on patients to get an accurate diagnosis although the cost is very high.

19.  The text mainly discuss about….
a.       The use of traditional health cure to avoid the high cost of hospital care
b.      The controversy of using an X-ray examination.
c.       Some opinions to avoid the use of and X-ray
d.      Reasons why people agree to use and X-ray
e.       Illness cured by an X-ray examination

20.  Which statement is TRUE?
a.       Some patients disagree to use an X-ray examination because it will cost them a lot of money and the radiation of an X-ray has some risks to body tissues.
b.      An X-ray is a spectrum of light which is radiated through our body and used for detecting our external body organs.
c.       When we are ill, we can use an X-ray to find out if there is something wrong with our external parts of the body
d.      All people agree with the use of an X-ray examination to detect internal body organs
e.       All patients agree that the use of an X-ray examination to detect a severe illness is not beneficial

21.  The text is in the form of a/an ……
a.       Description                                    d. Discussion
b.      Report                                e. Analytical exposition
c.       Hortatory exposition

22.  The argument ‘against’ point can be found in paragraph …..
a.       seven         c. five              e. three
b.      six              d. four

23.  The communicative purpose of the text is ….
a.       to criticize the current issues
b.      to describe an important issues
c.       to share an account of unusual or amusing incidents
d.      to explain why something occurs
e.       to present information and opinions about more than one side of an issue

BACA JUGA   :  Pengertian Recount Text dan Contoh Recount Text Serta Soalnya Terbaru 2015

Text-2 for questions 24 to 27

A young and very beautiful princess lost her ball in the water while she was playing by the side of a lake. She began to cry so sadly that the frog who sat beside the lake croaked to her, “What will you give me if I get you your ball back?”
“All the gold you could wish for!” replied the princess. “No, I ask only that I’ll be allowed to stay with you and be your friend,” said the frog. The princess gave her word (what did such a promise cost her if it meant she could have her ball back?) but she had absolutely no intention of keeping her promise. In fact, the moment she sad her ball back she ran off so fast that the frog could not keep up with her. Nevertheless, after a while the frog arrived at the palace.
As soon as she saw the frog, the princess was frightened. She ran to ask for help from her father, but the king, who knew what had happened, ordered his daughter to keep her promise. So the princess picked the frog up gently in her hand, but, with a shiver of disgust, she let it drop to the ground again. But that one brief touch was enough to break the spell that bound the frog, and caused it to turn back into a young and handsome prince he had been before.
The story ends with the happiest wedding ceremonies.

24.  What is the text about?
a.       The princess and the frog.
b.      The princess’ ball.
c.       The young prince.
d.      The princess’ father.
e.       A beautiful princess.

25.  Paragraph 3 mainly tells about ….…
a.       The frightened princess
b.      How the princess broke her promise
c.       What the princess asked her father
d.      Why the frog turned back into a handsome prince
e.       What the King ordered his daughter to do
26.  Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
a.       The princess hid at the back of the palace.
b.      The frog paid no attention to the princess.
c.       The frog couldn’t help the beautiful princess.
d.      The King asked his daughter to marry the frog.
e.       The princess tried not to keep her promise.

27.  “All the gold you cold wish for!” replied the princess. (Paragraph-2)
a.       replayed                 c. shouted                    e. said
b.      answered               d. told

Text-3 for questions 28 and 29

Australia has three levels of government, Federal, State, and Local. All levels work together to govern Australia but each level has different responsibilities.
The Federal government is necessary for the big things. This government is responsible for enacting laws, defense, taxation, telecommunications, and external affairs.
The State government looks after the middle-sized things. For example, the look after industrial relations and preventing things like vandalism in school.
Local government looks after the small things. They look after things like garbage collection, local parks and reserves.
Thus, we can conclude that three levels of government above are necessary.

28.  The topic of the text above is ….
a.       the Federal government is necessary
b.      collecting rubbish
c.       vandalism in Australia
d.      Local government
e.       three levels of government in Australia

29.  “…… they look after industrial relations and preventing things like vandalism in school.”
The word “they” refers to…..
a.       the Local government
b.      the State government
c.       the Federal government
d.      big things
e.       middle-sized things

Text-4 for questions 30 to 32

            Picasso was one of the most outstanding and important artists of the 1990’s. He is best known for his paintings. Almost every style in modern art is represented in Picasso’s works. Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain as the son of an art teacher. He studied painting from his father and several art schools. However, he never finished his college-level course of study in the Academy of Arts in Madrid.
From about 1895 to 1901, he painted realistic works in a traditional style. Then he entered what was called the Blue Period. During this time he only used shades of blue in his paintings to show poverty he saw in Barcelona.
            After 1908, he entered into the style of cubism. Among his well-known cubist paintings are “Three Musicians” and “Man with Guitar”. Picasso died in Mougins, France in 1973.

30.  The text above mainly discuss about….
a.       Important artist
b.      An art teacher
c.       The most outstanding artist
d.      The style of cubism
e.       Picasso

31.  Which of the following statement is TRUE?
a.       Picasso was the only outstanding and important artist of 1990’s
b.       “Man and a Guitar” was Picasso’s first painting
c.       Picasso was a modern artist who passed away in France in 1973
d.      Picasso studied painting together with his father
e.       Since Picasso was young , he only used shades of blue in his paintings

32.  The type of the text above is a/an….
a.       report
b.      anecdote
c.       recount
d.      narrative
e.       spoof
Text-5 for questions 33 to 35

            “Cire Perdue” is French words of Lost Wax. It is a process of wax casting used in making metal sculpture.
            First, a model is coated with wax. The solidified wax is encased in a two-layer mold of plaster or clay. It is then melted or otherwise removed from the mold, and metal is poured into the space where the wax had been. After cooling, the mold is broken to free the metal object.
            The ancient method is used to produce sculpture, jewelry, and utilitarian products such as dentures.

33.  The type of the text is a/an …..
a.       Report                    c. exposition                e. discussion
b.      Description                        d explanation

34.  The communicative purpose of the text is ….
a.       to explain the process of Lost Wax
b.      to inform how to make Lost Wax
c.       to describe Lost Wax
d.      to tell the readers about Lost Wax
e.       to present how Lost Wax works

35.  In the second paragraph, the writer…
a.       describe Lost Wax
b.      tells the two-layer mold of plaster in Lost Wax
c.       informs the metal object of Lost Wax
d.      presents the mold and the metal in Lost Wax
e.       explains the sequenced of how and why Lost Wax occurs
Text-6 for questions 36 to 38

TOKYO: A Japanese carmaker is developing an electrical vehicle that can help elderly drivers with braking and steering by detecting slow responses and a lack of attentiveness, official said.
            Autech Japan Inc., affiliated with Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., aims to launch the Micro Utility Vehicle in Japan in 2006 in co-operation with Tokyo University and other institutions.
            The vehicle would be equipped with sensors and cameras that would examine movements of the driver’s arms, legs and eyes and detect shortcomings in his or her driving skills.
            “It is necessary to provide an easy-drive, safe means of transport for elderly people to enable their social participation,” Autech and its collaboration said in a project plan. The number of senior drivers is expected to surge given Japan’s rapidly graying society.
            Autech has already developed an electric-power prototype one-seat, which run a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour – AFP

36.  The text mainly tells us about…..
a.       Collaboration of Autech and Nissan Motor
b.      A vehicle equipped with sensors and cameras
c.       Vehicle to enable people’s social participation
d.      The rapid of Japan’s graying society
e.       Japanese special vehicle for elderly drivers          

37.  According to Autech, why was it necessary to provide special vehicle for elderly people?
a.       To ease them drive special electrical vehicle
b.      To develop an electrical vehicle for elderly drivers
c.       To examine movements of driver’s arms, legs and eyes
d.      To enable them participating in social activities
e.       To detect responses and lack of attentiveness

38.  “…. legs and eyes and detect shortcomings in his or her driving skills” (paragraph-3). The most appropriate word to replace the underlined word is…..
a.       capabilities             c. attentiveness                        e. responses
b.      weaknesses                        d. strengths

Text-7 for question 39

Dear Jane,
            There is a lot of milk and food in the fridge. Key to the back door under the mat. Hot water from immersion heater. If you fresh eggs, see Ben next door.

Happy stay,


39.  The reason why Avril wrote this note to Jane is probably because…
a.       Jane will be away when Avril comes
b.      Avril won’t be in her villa when Jane comes
c.       Avril will go Ben’s house to buy some fresh eggs
d.      Ben will be waiting for Jane in Avril’s villa
e.       There are not any eggs left in the fridge

Text-8 for questions 40 to 42

Plaque: 25 Brighton Boulevard Leasington NSW 2066  24 November 2008 The Manager Steelwood Homes 12 Scott Street Leasington NSW 2066  Dear Sir or Madam,  I rent a house from your agency in Brighton Boulevard and there is a problem with the stove. Two elements aren’t working and it is very difficult for me to cook meal.  This problem is urgent and I would appreciate if you could arrange to have the stove fixed immediately.  Yours faithfully,  Sarah Johnston

40.  The letter written by Sarah Johnston in the purpose of …..
a.       requesting for compensation
b.      requesting some money
c.       requesting for service
d.      warning the agency
e.       threatening the agency

41.  What problem did Sarah have?
a.       She couldn’t cook
b.      She had a problem with the agency
c.       She had a problem with the stove
d.      She had a problem with the manager
e.       She had a problem to fix the stove herself

42.  What do you call the kind of the text?
a.       a letter of congratulation                d. a letter of invitation
b.      a letter of complaint                       e. a letter of application
c.       a letter of condolence
Text-9 for questions 44 to 46

            Lake Gunung Tujuh is one of the many lakes in Kabupaten Kerinci in Jambi Province. It is an amazing tourist place to visit.
            Lake Gunung Tujuh is located in Kecamatan Kayu Aro. It is about 50 km from Sungai Penuh to Pelompek Village by public transport. To reach Lake Gunung Tujuh people have to climb and walk for another 4 km or 2.5 hours. The lake is surrounded by steep forest slopes and seven hills. Lake Gunung Tujuh is a huge mysterious lake on 1,995 m above the sea level. The length of the lake is 4.5 km and the width is 3 km. It is the highest volcanic lake in Southeast Asia. The temperature around the lake is very cold. Besides waterfalls, you can also find animals such as siamangs, elephants and birds.
            Indeed, Lake Gunung Tujuh and its spectacular scenery are so beautiful.

43.  The main idea of the text that…
a.       The location of Lake Gunung Tujuh is difficult to reach
b.      Lake Gunung Tujuh is the only lake in Sumatra
c.       Tourists from Southeast Asia visit this beautiful lake
d.      The animals are more attractive than the lake itself
e.       Lake Gunung Tujuh is a beautiful tourist resort

44.  “Indeed, Lake Gunung Tujuh and its spectacular scenery are so beautiful”.
The underlined word means…
a.       touching                 c. rectangular               e. remarkable  
b.      successful              d. amusing

45.  What do you call the text?
a.       Description                        c. Report          e. Narrative
b.      Recount                 d. Review

46.  The organization of the text consists of ….
a.       general classification – description
b.      general statement – a sequence of explanation – closing
c.       orientation – events – reorientation
d.      identification – description
e.       orientation – events – twist

Text-10 for questions 47 to 50

Spiders are not insects. They are arachnids. Arachnids have four pairs of legs but only two body parts. Insects have three pairs of legs and three body parts. Spiders have two to four pairs of eyes. They can see extremely well.
Spiders eat small insects such as flies and mosquitoes, and sometime bit people. When a spider bites insect, it does not kill the insect immediately. Instead a special poison passes through its fangs, and this poison paralyzed the body to the unlucky insects.
Most spiders make their own homes. They do this with a special substance produced by their bodies. In the corner of some rooms it is possible to find a spider’s web where the spider is waiting for its next dinner guest.

47.  The spider has special teeth called …..
a.       poison                    c. fangs                                    e. arachnids
b.      substance               d. quest

48.  The statement that is TRUE according to the text is…..
a.       Spiders are special insects that have three pair of legs
b.      Arachnids have three pairs of legs and two body parts
c.       Spiders do not like other small insects as their food
d.      Spiders are not in their web to wait for the small insects to eat
e.       Spiders are not insects but arachnids that can see quite well

49.  What is NOT the difference between spider and insect?
a.       Insects have three pairs of legs
b.      Insects’ home are like spiders’
c.       Spiders have four pairs of legs
d.      Insects have three body parts
e.       Spiders have two body parts

50.  This word “web” in paragraph three means….
a.       a spider’s poison                c. a spider’s house       e. spider’s eyes
b.      a spider’s leg                      d. spider’s dinner



Berikut Soal Listening Sectionnya :

Listening Script
Soal Uji Coba 1 UN Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2015

Listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are 3 parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I

Question 1 to 5.
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The dialogues or questions will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.

After you hear a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear:
Man                : How about exercising tomorrow morning?
Woman           : Alright. Pick me up at six

You will also hear:
Narrator         : What will the man do?

You’ll read in your test book:
  1. Do exercise at 6
  2. Go with six women
  3. Take exercise alone
  4. Leave the woman alone
  5. Come to the woman’s house

The best answer to the question is “Come to the woman’s house.”
Therefore, you should choose answer (e)

Dialogue for questions 1

1.      Man       : I’d like to cash this check, please.
         Woman  : Do you have an account here?
         Man       : No, I don’t.
         Woman  : Then I’m sorry. We cannot cash your check unless you have an account
                          with us.
 (Where does the conversation possibly take place?)
1.            a. at school
         b. at the market
         c. in a library
         d. at the bank
         e. on the road

Dialogue for questions 2 and 3

John    : Mom, I’m hungry. Can I have something to eat?
Mom   : Of course. There’s a little ice cream in the freezer. And finish up the
  cake if you want it.
John    : Good, And, Mom, can I see the newspaper? There’s an article about
   our school in there today.
Mom   : Yes, it’s in the living room.

(Number: 2. What was there in the newspaper that day?)

2.         a. a little ice cream and cake
b. an article about the boy’s school
c. something to eat for the boy
d. the living room of the family
e. the boy and his mom’s conversation

(Number: 3. What does the boy express?)

3.         a. a permission
      b. a pride
      c. an advice
      d. an apology
      e. a satisfaction

Dialogue for question 4
Man      : I’m hungry. What should I do – eat something?
Woman : Yes, by all means. If you’re hungry you should eat something.

(What does the man ask for?)

4.         a.   permission
b.      advice
c.       agreement
d.      disagreement
e.       ability

Dialogue for question 5
X          : Ely, if you aren’t busy, would you go to the store?
Y          : I’d be glad to. What would you like me to buy?
X          : We need some meet for dinner tomorrow night. We also need a few carrots,
  onions, some potatoes and two cans of oranges juice. That’s all.
Y          : Okay, I’ll be back soon

(What is the dialog about?)

5.                  a. going to school
      b. going home
      c. having dinner
      d. going shopping
      e. taking a note

Part II

Questions 6 to 10
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions or statements spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question or statement.

Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear:
Woman           : Good morning, John. How are you?
Man                : ........
You will also hear:
  1. I am fine, thank you
  2. I am in the living room
  3. Let me introduce myself
  4. My name is John Travolta.

The best answer to the question “How are you?” is choice (a), “I am fine, thank you”
Therefore, you should choose answer (a)

Dialogue for question 6
Man                : Grandma, can I help you with this sewing machine?
Woman           : .......

a. Thanks. That’s very kind of you
b. I am sorry to hear that
c. you must be kidding
d. I don’t need you

6.                  Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Dialogue for question 7

Man                : Why do you look so sad?
Woman           : Didn’t you hear the latest news last night? The eruption of the volcano
  has killed many people.
Man                : Oh, I am sorry to hear that
From the dialogue we know that the man expresses his....

a. disappointment
b. dissatisfaction
c. apology
d. sympathy

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Dialogue for question 8
Woman           : What about going to a sea-food restaurant?
Man                : ..........
a. I am fine, thank you
b. I am proud of you
c. I apologize for my mistake
d. I can’t stand eating sea food

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Dialogue for question 9
Man                : Do I have the ability to be a good teacher?
Woman           : .......
a. I am sorry to hear that
b. Yes, you have the ability to do that
c. You’d better go to the doctor
d. I am in the classroom now

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Dialogue for question 10
X          : Hello, you must be Mr. Jackson.
Y          : That’s all right. Just call me Michel or Mike
X          : My name’s Tina. My company sent me to fetch you, Michel.
a. Pleased to meet you Tina.
b. I am capable to do that
c. You must go yourself
d. I apologize for my mistakes

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III

Questions 11 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
After you hear a monologue and the questions about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the questions you have heard.

Monologue for Questions 11 to 12

            Discipline starts in the minds and hearts of parents before their children are born. Discipline is not the same as punishment. Discipline is teaching. When we are discipline, we attempt to help the child gain self-control and teach him how to live. But, when we punish a child, we attempt to stop what we believe to be misbehavior. We control him. How we teach during the first two years will influence for life-time how a child feels about himself, others and God.

(Question for number: 11. When does discipline start in minds and hearts of parents?)

11.              a.   when children are born
b.       before children are born
c.       after the children are born
d.      when the children are punished
e.       during the first two years

(Question for number: 12. What do we attempt to children when we are discipline?)

12.              a.   to stop them being misbehavior
b.      to punish them for being rude
c.       to help them gain self-control
d.      to give them punishment
e.       to tell them what we believe
Monologue for Questions 13 and 14

            I have a close friend named Hani. She was five years old when she tried out the grand piano in her living room. She had heard her father play it from time to time, and she was fascinated by the lovely sounds it made. She took piano lessons eagerly because she wanted to be able to play like her father. Now Hani is 18 years old and is an excellent pianist. As good as she is, she never stops practicing. Her ambition is to give an international recital.

(Question for number: 13. How old was Hani when she tried the grand piano?)

13.              a.    5 years old
b.      8 years old
c.       10 years old
d.      15 years old
e.       18 years old

(Question for number: 14. Why did Hani take piano lesson eagerly? It because…

14.              a.   she liked the sound of piano
b.      she wanted to entertain people
c.       she wanted buy piano
d.      she wanted to be able to play it
e.       she wanted to teach people

Monologue for Question 15

Sarajevo is the largest city in Bosnia, a beautiful country which has many rivers and mountains. It has 600,000 people. There are a lot of factories in the city. There is also a famous winter Olympic center. You can also find many mosques in this city.

(Question for number: 15. What is the text about?)

15.              a.   the largest and beautiful city in Bosnia
b.      a lot of factories and many rivers in Bosnia
c.       600,000 people and winter Olympic in Bosnia
d.      a famous and beautiful mountain in Bosnia
e.       a beautiful snow and mosques in Bosnia

This is the end of the listening section


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