Berita (News) Bahasa Inggris
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Ingin baca berita berbahasa Inggris? Tak usah jauh-jauh lewat sini saja dulu. Sobat bisa baca berita bahasa Inggris terbaru, terkini dan terupdate, sesuai dengan tema, dari mulai berita terhangat, berita dunia, berita bisnis, berita politik, berita ilmu pengetahuan, berita dunia hiburan, dan tentunya berita tentang dunia pendidikan, semuanya memakai bahasa Inggris.
Yang harus di ingat, berita ini bukan contoh berita bahasa inggris biasa, tapi memang benar-benar berita ini adalah berita asli dalam bahasa Inggris, karena langsung dari BBC News...
Dengan baca berita berbahasa Inggris, semoga kemampuan kita dalam memahami bahasa semakin bertambah lebih baik lagi. Jangan lupa buka kamus bahasa Inggris jika ada kosakata bahasa Inggris yang belum kita pahami. Klik pada menu berita di bawah ini:
BCL celebrates b'day with orphans
Actress and singer Bunga Citra Lestari, also known as BCL, celebrated her 30th birthday with her fans and orphans.The event was organized together with BCL’s fan club, BCLicious, at an orphanage in Pancoran, South Jakarta.......Selengkapnya
Mongolia university to establish Indonesia study center
The National University of Mongolia plans to set up a study center to introduce Indonesia to the Mongolian public, says the university's vice president, Gerelt Od Lkhagvasuren.
He gave the news to Indonesian Ambassador to China and Mongolia Imron Cotan in Ulan Bator, on the sidelines of the seventh conference of the Community of Democracies on April 30, as reported by Antara news agency........ selengkapnya
On education day, minister apologizes for exam mess
As the nation commemorated National Education Day, which falls every May 2, Education and Culture Minister Mohammad Nuh apologized for the national exam fiasco, saying the incident had taught the ministry a valuable lesson.
The minister, down played the mess, saying that the much-criticized national examination was only a minor part of the country’s education system, and that the public should not exaggerate the exam delays in 5,109 senior high schools in 11 provinces......... Selengkapnya
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Silahkan klik berita yang ingin dipelajari, nanti tunggu 5 detik lalu lihat ke pojok kanan atas, langsung skip ads kemudian akan muncul link unduh berita yang bisa menambah wawasan plus bisa menyelesaikan tugas sobat sobit semua. :)
Demikianlah beberapa contoh berita bahasa Inggris yang bisa ditampilkan untuk saat ini. Jika ada berita heboh lainnya, semoga saja bisa kembali dipublikasikan. Saya kira cukup, jika ada kesalahan, mohon dikoreksi oke bro n sist...
sumber berita :thejakartapost.com_
Actress and singer Bunga Citra Lestari, also known as BCL, celebrated her 30th birthday with her fans and orphans.The event was organized together with BCL’s fan club, BCLicious, at an orphanage in Pancoran, South Jakarta.......Selengkapnya
The National University of Mongolia plans to set up a study center to introduce Indonesia to the Mongolian public, says the university's vice president, Gerelt Od Lkhagvasuren.
He gave the news to Indonesian Ambassador to China and Mongolia Imron Cotan in Ulan Bator, on the sidelines of the seventh conference of the Community of Democracies on April 30, as reported by Antara news agency........ selengkapnya
On education day, minister apologizes for exam mess
As the nation commemorated National Education Day, which falls every May 2, Education and Culture Minister Mohammad Nuh apologized for the national exam fiasco, saying the incident had taught the ministry a valuable lesson.
The minister, down played the mess, saying that the much-criticized national examination was only a minor part of the country’s education system, and that the public should not exaggerate the exam delays in 5,109 senior high schools in 11 provinces......... Selengkapnya
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Silahkan klik berita yang ingin dipelajari, nanti tunggu 5 detik lalu lihat ke pojok kanan atas, langsung skip ads kemudian akan muncul link unduh berita yang bisa menambah wawasan plus bisa menyelesaikan tugas sobat sobit semua. :)
Demikianlah beberapa contoh berita bahasa Inggris yang bisa ditampilkan untuk saat ini. Jika ada berita heboh lainnya, semoga saja bisa kembali dipublikasikan. Saya kira cukup, jika ada kesalahan, mohon dikoreksi oke bro n sist...
sumber berita :thejakartapost.com_