Soal PTS Bahasa inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 K13 2019/2020

- Halo sobat, pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan latihan soal UTS atau PTS Bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester 1 kurikulum 2013 tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Contoh soal ini dapat digunakan untuk sobat jadikan sebagai bahjan referensi maupun pembelajaran akan naskah asli yang akan datang..

PTS (Penilaian Tengah Semester) di kurikulum 2013 sebenarnya sudah mulai ditiadakan untuk beberapa persen sekolah di Indonesia. Dan biasanya pihak sekolah menggantinya dengan ujian harian yang dipersiapkan oleh gurunya masing - masing. 

Untuk sobat yang menyelenggarakan ujian PTS bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester 1 ini, hasil ujiannya akan dilampirkan pada berkas raport semester 1. Dan dijadikan bahan pertimbangan kelak saat sobat melanjutkan ke pendidikan selanjurnya, jalur SNMPTN..

Agar sobat bisa mendapatkan nilai bagus di UTS tersebut, bisa menggunakan latihan soal soal PTS /.UTS di bawah ini..

Soal PTS Bahasa inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 K13 2019/2020

 pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan Soal PTS Bahasa inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 K13 2019/2020

Mapel Bahasa inggris merupakan mata pelajaran wajib/umum untuk semua jurusan dan sekolah. Walau pun sebenarnya ada mapel khusus di jurusan bahasa.. .

Soal PTS/UTS Bahasa inggris yang ada di artikel ini admin bagikan dalam bentuk soal pilihan ganda dan soal uraian lengkap dengan jumlah keseluruhan soal berjumlah 25 butir soal, berbentuk online dan PDF yang bisa sobat download secara gratis.

Soal PTS Bahasa inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 K13 2019/2020 PDF, DOWNLOAD

Baiklah, langsung saja berikut ini adalah Soal PTS Bahasa inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 K13 2019/2020. Selamat mengerjakan... Mohon Maaf, belum ada kunci jawaban. Sobat bisa menggunakannya sebagai contoh soal (guru) maupun latihan soal (siswa)..

I. Choose A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer.

Text for no. 1-5.

Cloud and Forest

In a mountain lived two friends, the Cloud and the Forest. They would play with each other, not for hours or days but for weeks that turned into months. One day they had a difference an opinion, which turned into a heated argument that soon they left each other. The Cloud decided to move and the Forest decided to focus on growing into newer territories.

However, the animals and birds of the forest were very unhappy about this sudden turn of events for their lives depended on the two being together. They thought of a plan to get the two friends back together. The great Condor wrote a beautiful apology letter and flew to the Cloud with the letter, saying it was from the Forest. Meanwhile, the Anaconda presented a copy of the same letter to the Forest, but signed it in the Cloud’s name. But both the Cloud and the Forest caught on to their trick and scolded them severely.

Seeing their plan fail, the dejected animals and birds prepared to leave the forest and look for another home. That night the forest was very silent, but the next morning everyone was surprised to see the Cloud and the Forest back together. Surprised, the Condor, Anaconda and others went and asked the two friends for the reason behind their change of heart. With a smile, the Cloud and the Forest explained that the animals’ letter had made them realize how well they knew each other and also what the friendship meant not just to them, but also to others around them.

(Adopted from:

1. Why did the Cloud and the forest leave each other?
A. Because the Forest decided to focus on growing into new territories.
B. Because they have changed mind.
C. Because they had different opinions, leading to an argument.
D. Because the birds and forest’s animals decided to leave the forest.
E. Because they realized the trick of the birds and forest’s animals.

2. What did the Forest do after it left the Cloud?
A. The Forest left the mountain.
B. The Forest focused on growing new territories.
C. The Forest stopped to grow.
D. The Forest played with other friends.
E. The Forest wrote an apology letter.

3. Why were the forest’s animals and birds not happy about what happened to the Cloud and the Forest?
A. Because they did not have a place to live.
B. Because they had to move to the new territories.
C. Because the Cloud and the Forest had different opinion.
D. Because the Forest would stop growing.
E. Because the Cloud and the Forest had important roles for their lives.

4. Why did the forest’s animals and birds do to get the Cloud and the Forest back together?
A. They caught both of them.
B. They scolded both of them.
C. They asked both of them to write apology letters.
D. They made two apology letters to send one to the Cloud and another to the Forest.
E. They played a trick for the Cloud and the Forest.

5. Why did the Cloud and the Forest scold the birds and forest’s animal?
A. Because the Cloud and the Forest knew their plan.
B. Because the Cloud and the Forest had left each other.
C. Because the Cloud and the Forest had realized the mean of their friendship to others around them.
D. Because the Cloud and the Forest did not live together.
E. Because the Cloud and the Forest had another plan.

Text for no. 6-10.

Dear, Mr. Hari Sutanto,

Our school will hold a seminar on “Turning a Hobby into a Business”. Since you are well-known for your writing on various novels, we would like to invite you to be one of the speakers in our seminar. We believe that our students will be enthusiastic to learn about how you have become a successful writer. You must not mind sharing your experience and knowledge about writing a novel.

Our seminar will be held on the following date and venue.
Date : Saturday, October 10, 2017
Time : 8 a.m. until finish
Place : The auditorium of SMA 23 Jakarta, Jl. Semanggi Jakarta Selatan.
Please accept our invitation. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday.


Sania Wijaya
Head of Committee

6. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To express gratitude.
B. To invite one to do a project.
C. To inform about a seminar.
D. To advertise an item.
E. To introduce a new product.

7. What is the seminar about?
A. Writing a successful novel.
B. Writing various novels.
C. Sharing knowledge about writing.
D. To be a successful writer.
E. Making money from our hobbies.

8. What does Mr. Hari Susanto do?
A. A novelist.
B. A politician.
C. A headmaster.
D. A head of committee.
E. An active speaker.

9. What can participants get from the seminar?
A. Experience to write a novel.
B. Ideas to write a novel.
C. Tips to write a novel.
D. Prizes from the committee.
E. Free novels from the speaker.

10. What will Mr. Hari Susanto do in the seminar?
A. Sharing his early experience in writing a novel.
B. Sharing his knowledge to become a successful person.
C. Sharing his ability to succeed the seminar.
D. Sharing his experience to become a successful speaker.
E. Sharing his experience and knowledge about writing a novel.

Text for no. 11-15.

One Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Ambar received a text saying “Congratulations! To celebrate the anniversary of Selayar bank, you have won a lucky prize. You will receive twenty millions rupiah. Contact Mr. budi at 899000001234 for confirmation.

Being happy, Mrs. Ambar called that phone number for clarification and the man who received the call confirmed that it was true. He asked Mrs. Ambar to transfer an amount of money to his account first as the tax, before receiving the money. Mrs. Ambar believed it and intended to go to the ATM machine.

Donny, Mrs. Ambar’s son, wondered why his mother was in hurry after speaking on the phone. Donny asked her where she was going and Mrs. Ambar told what had happened.

Knowing that, Donny reminded his mother about scams via mobile phones. He suggested his mother

Call the customer service officer of the bank for clarification.

Mrs. Ambar did and she was surprised. The customer service and said that they did not have any lucky draw. Mrs. Ambar was hoped to be alert of any scams via phones.

Mrs. Ambar was very relieved as she escaped a scam!

11. What information did Mrs. Ambar receive via mobile phone?
A. She won a lucky prize.
B. She received ten millions rupiah.
C. She received a new mobile phone for free.
D. She received vouchers for several items.
E. A person had transferred an amount of money to her account.

12. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. Mrs. Ambar was happy receiving the text.
B. Donny reminded Mrs. Ambar of scams via mobile phones.
C. Selayar Bank did not have a lucky draw for its anniversary.
D. Mrs. Ambar had transferred money before receiving the prize.
E. Mrs. Ambar had been cheated via mobile phone.

13. “. . . you have won a lucky prize.” (Paragraph 1)
What is the similar meaning of ‘lucky’?
A. Poor
B. Fortunate
C. Surprising
D. Unpredictable
E. Beneficial

Text for no. 14-15.
Attention, please. Our school will have a robot course and all the students may attend it. It will not be free so please tell your parents first. You can enroll with Mr. Benny before August 15, 2015. Thank you.

14. What is the text about?
A. A robot contest.
B. A robot course.
C. A robot installation.
D. An English course.
E. A Math course.

15. Why should students tell their parents first?
A. The course will not be easy.
B. The course will spend much time.
C. Students should pay an amount of money for attending it.
D. Students should be able to make robots.
E. Students should buy new computers.

II. Complete the dialogue with the correct sentences from the boxes.

Tora : What is this, Riana?
Riana : Oh, it’s a Korean dictionary. My sister gave it to me.
Tora : (1) _____________.
Riana : Well, I like watching Korean dramas. So, my sister thought that I should learn korean too.
Tora : (2) _____________.
Riana : Frankly, the words that I know are annyeonghaseyo and kamsahamnida.
Tora : (3) _____________.
Riana : Annyeonghaseyo is a kind of greeting, and kamsahamnida is “thank you”.
Tora : What about “I am sorry”?
Riana : You can look for it in the dictionary.
Tora : All right. (4) _____________
Riana : Find the word ‘sorry’. (5) _____________. Read the explanation on how to say ‘sorry’ in Korean.
The word in the brackets shows how to pronounce it. Got it?
Tora : I found it. It’s mianhae.

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