Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan UN/UNBK Listening Section SMK 2019
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Hai sobat, kembali lagi dengan . Di kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan latihan soal, kunci jawaban, dan pembahasan UN bahasa inggris SMK di bagian soal listening section 2019 yang bisa sobat kerjakan secara online pada artikel berikut ini.
Sebagaimana yang sobat ketahui bahwa soal listening section adalah model soal pada mata ujian bahasa inggris yang dimana para siswa harus mengandalkan konsentrasi penuh yang terpusat pada telinga dan pikiran.
Pasalnya bukan hanya soalnya saja yang dibacakan, melainkan juga jawaban A, B, C, D, dan E. Dan biasanya pada lembar jawaban atau layar monitor untuk UNBK sobat hanya diberikan pilihan jawabannya saja. Dengan rincian jenis soal sebagai berikut :
- Part I, Pictures. Sobat akan diberikan gambar pada layar monitor dan akan diberikan pertanyaan yang berkaitan.
- Part II, Questions and Responses. Kayak pertanyaan jawaban pada lembar soal biasa dengan pilihan A, B, C, D. Akan tetapi yang sobat gunakan sebagai media adalah telinga. Merem aja sih agar lebih konsentrasi.
- Part III. Short Convensation. Akan diberikan dialog 2 orang atau lebih dan akan diberikan pertanyaan terkait pada dialog yang ada di listening
- Part IV. Short Talks. Terdapat pembicaraan pendek/monolog dan sobat disuruh mengerjakan soal yang berkaitan dengan monolog tersebut.
Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan UN/UNBK Listening Section SMK 2019
15 dari 50 model soal listening pada Ujian Nasional SMK bahasa inggris tentunya akan menjadi poin yang penting. Kehilangan nilai pada jenis soal ini bisa berakibat pada hasil yang kurang maksimal.
Jadi mulai persiapkan dari sekarang.
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PART I. Pictures
Questions: 1 to 3.
For each item, there is a picture in your test paper and four short statements about it on the tape. They are spoken TWICE and are not written out on your test paper, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statement - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - that best describes the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.
For example:
For example:
Look at the following picture.
Sample Answer :
A. The clocks is going to be sold
B. The clocks are hainging on the wall
C. It's time to wake up
D. It's time to sleep.
A. The clocks is going to be sold
B. The clocks are hainging on the wall
C. It's time to wake up
D. It's time to sleep.
Choice (B) - "The clocks are hanging on the wall." - best describes what is seen in the picture. Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Let's begin with question number one.
The picture shows us the children are getting on the bus. Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: A
The picture shows us that the boy is sitting in fiont of the laptop. Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: C
The girl in the picture has curly hair, so the best answer describes the picture is "One of the kids has curly hair." Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: B
Questions: 4 to 6.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Sample answer: A, B, or D
Choice (C) - "I could try to help you" - is the best response to the question, "I'm having trouble in English class, what should I do?" Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
4. Pembahasan:
When you get dizzy, you usually take aspirin, not a cough syrup. Hence, the best answer is "You'd better not go to work today." Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: A
5. Pembahasan:
The best response of "Would you like to use my computer?" is "Yes, if you don't mind." Therefore, you should mark B on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: B
6. Pembahasan:
The speaker is asking for a direction, so you should answer by giving a direction as well. Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Let's begin with question number one.
The picture shows us the children are getting on the bus. Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: A
The picture shows us that the boy is sitting in fiont of the laptop. Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: C
The girl in the picture has curly hair, so the best answer describes the picture is "One of the kids has curly hair." Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: B
PART 2. Questions and Responses
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Sample answer: A, B, or D
Choice (C) - "I could try to help you" - is the best response to the question, "I'm having trouble in English class, what should I do?" Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
4. Pembahasan:
When you get dizzy, you usually take aspirin, not a cough syrup. Hence, the best answer is "You'd better not go to work today." Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: A
5. Pembahasan:
The best response of "Would you like to use my computer?" is "Yes, if you don't mind." Therefore, you should mark B on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: B
6. Pembahasan:
The speaker is asking for a direction, so you should answer by giving a direction as well. Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: B
PART III. Short Conversation
Questions: 7 to 10.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations TWICE. The conversations will not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. In your test paper, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
PART III. Short Conversation
Questions: 7 to 10.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations TWICE. The conversations will not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. In your test paper, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear : Man : How often do you study English outside the class?
Woman : Twice a week.
Man Good for you. I prefer to study at the Art Center.
Woman : That sounds like a good place to study.
You will hear : Man : How often do you study English outside the class?
Woman : Twice a week.
Man Good for you. I prefer to study at the Art Center.
Woman : That sounds like a good place to study.
You will read : Where is the man's preference to study?
A. At home.
B. At the Art Center.
C. At the office.
D. In Kuta Beach.
A. At home.
B. At the Art Center.
C. At the office.
D. In Kuta Beach.
Sample answer: A, B,C, or D
Choice (B) - "At the Art Center." - is the best answer to the question "Where is the man's preference to study?" Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
7. What does the man want?
A. A foreign car.
B. Sport magazines.
C. Greeting cards.
D. Two note books.
The man is looking for sports magazines. Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: B
8. Where does the conversation take place?
A. In a hotel.
B. In an airport.
C. In a restaurant.
D. In an office.
The man said about checking out, it means that he is in a hotel. Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: B
9. Why does the man not want to leave-!
A. The waiter was very attentive.
B. It is his favorite place to eat.
C. They have already ordered.
D. He likes the music so much.
The speakers (the man) have already ordered the food. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: C
10. What is the woman's opinion of Sydney Sharon?
A. She hasn't made up her mind yet.
B. She doesn't like Sydney's work.
C. She thinks Sydney is very creative.
D. She thinks Sydney is overrated.
The woman thinks that Sydney has wild imagination which indicates that she is a creative author. Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: A
PART IV. Short Talks
Questions: 11 to 15.
In this part of the test, you will hear two short talks. Each will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carehlly to understand and remember what is said.
In your test paper, you will read two questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
Questions 11 to 13 refer to the following procedure.
11. What is being informed?
A. How to pull water.
B. How to make milk.
C. How to make pulled tea.
D. How to serve pulled tea.
The text describes the steps to make the pulled tea. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: C
12. What will you do after adding 4 tablespoons of black tea powder to boiling water?
A. Take two glasses.
B. Add two table spoons of sugar.
C. Allow the tea to brew for five minutes.
D. Pour the tea.
The text describes after adding 4 tablespoons of black tea powder to boiling the water is allow the tea to brew for five minutes. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: C
13. What does the second step to make teh tarik?
A. Add the tea to boiling water.
B. Brew the tea.
C. Stir the tea and sugar.
D. Pour the tea.
The second step in the text is to brew the tea. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: B
14. What will the executive class passengers get on board?
A. Terong belanda juice.
B. Martebe and fruit basket.
C. Passion h i t juice.
D. Fresh markisa juice.
The text explains that the executive class passengers will get Martebe and h i t basket on board. Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: B
15. What can be inferred from this advertisement?
A. The fleet is more modem than the previous one.
B. The economic passengers will get martebe juice on board.
C. The executive passenger will get fruit on the ground too.
D. The level of service will be set by the flight management.
The best inference of the text is the level of service will be applied on board. Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: D
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Choice (B) - "At the Art Center." - is the best answer to the question "Where is the man's preference to study?" Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
7. What does the man want?
A. A foreign car.
B. Sport magazines.
C. Greeting cards.
D. Two note books.
The man is looking for sports magazines. Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: B
8. Where does the conversation take place?
A. In a hotel.
B. In an airport.
C. In a restaurant.
D. In an office.
The man said about checking out, it means that he is in a hotel. Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: B
9. Why does the man not want to leave-!
A. The waiter was very attentive.
B. It is his favorite place to eat.
C. They have already ordered.
D. He likes the music so much.
The speakers (the man) have already ordered the food. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: C
10. What is the woman's opinion of Sydney Sharon?
A. She hasn't made up her mind yet.
B. She doesn't like Sydney's work.
C. She thinks Sydney is very creative.
D. She thinks Sydney is overrated.
The woman thinks that Sydney has wild imagination which indicates that she is a creative author. Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: A
PART IV. Short Talks
Questions: 11 to 15.
In this part of the test, you will hear two short talks. Each will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carehlly to understand and remember what is said.
In your test paper, you will read two questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
Questions 11 to 13 refer to the following procedure.
11. What is being informed?
A. How to pull water.
B. How to make milk.
C. How to make pulled tea.
D. How to serve pulled tea.
The text describes the steps to make the pulled tea. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: C
12. What will you do after adding 4 tablespoons of black tea powder to boiling water?
A. Take two glasses.
B. Add two table spoons of sugar.
C. Allow the tea to brew for five minutes.
D. Pour the tea.
The text describes after adding 4 tablespoons of black tea powder to boiling the water is allow the tea to brew for five minutes. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: C
13. What does the second step to make teh tarik?
A. Add the tea to boiling water.
B. Brew the tea.
C. Stir the tea and sugar.
D. Pour the tea.
The second step in the text is to brew the tea. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: B
14. What will the executive class passengers get on board?
A. Terong belanda juice.
B. Martebe and fruit basket.
C. Passion h i t juice.
D. Fresh markisa juice.
The text explains that the executive class passengers will get Martebe and h i t basket on board. Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: B
15. What can be inferred from this advertisement?
A. The fleet is more modem than the previous one.
B. The economic passengers will get martebe juice on board.
C. The executive passenger will get fruit on the ground too.
D. The level of service will be set by the flight management.
The best inference of the text is the level of service will be applied on board. Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: D
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