Contoh Soal PASSIVE VOICE Beserta Jawaban Terbaru (Tense)

Contoh soal passive voice beserta jawaban (tense - online) mulai dari simple present tense hingga present continuous tense. Pada kali ini, kami akan membagikan lagi soal bahasa inggris tentang passive voice. Entah kalian sadar atau tidak, yang jelas materi atau kompetensi dasar tentang passive voice sudah dipelajari mulai dari SMP hingga SMA.

Jadi, jangan sampai kalian kaget jika mendapatkan materi atau mungkin soal tentang passive voice. Untuk lebih memahami tentang pengertian passive voice, kami sarankan kepada para pembaca untuk membuka artikel kami sebelumnya, yaitu pada artikel :  Contoh Soal Passive Voice Pilihan Ganda + (Jawaban, Pembahasan).

Contoh Soal Passive Voice Beserta Jawaban

Dalam artikel tersebut, jika anda sudah membacanya, kita dapat mengetahui, bahwa passive voice adalah suatu kalimat pasif yang subjeknya dikenal pekerjaan dan selalu diterjemahkan dengan kata di/ter.

Untuk lebih mengenal dan memahami passive voice, ada beberapa ciri yang bisa kita pegang, misalnya : biasanya setelah predikat tidak ada obyek langsung (biasanya diikuti kata preposisi atau kata keterangan), selalu memakai V3 yang diawali dengan to be, diterjemahkan di/ter, dan sering digunakan preposisi "by" (oleh). Selain ciri-ciri passive voice tersebut, ada juga patokan rumus kalimat passive voice yang bisa kita gunakan.

Subject + to be (am/is/are) + past participle (pp)
No Tense Rumus Passive Voice Contoh Passive Voice
1 Simple Present am/is/are + pp is created
2 Simple Past was/were + pp was created
3 Present Perfect has/have been + pp has been created
4 Simple Future will be + pp will be created
5 Future Perfect will have been + pp will have been created
6 Present Continuous am/is/are being + pp is being created
7 Past Continuous was/were being + pp was being created
8 Past Perfect had been + pp had been created
9 Future Continuous am/is/are going to be + pp is going to be created
Berdasarkan rumus di atas, dapat kita tarik kesimpulan bahwa kalimat passive voice itu berbeda-beda (tergantung tense yang digunakan). Dalam soal ini, kami mencoba untuk menyajikan soal dengan jumlah yang lebih banyak, yaitu 15 soal. Ya semoga jumlah soal tersebut dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pembaca. Jika anda memang cocok dengan soal bahasa inggris SMP dan SMA ini, anda dapat mendownload soal passive voice pada link download yang tersedia pada akhir artikel.

Sama seperti soal passive voice sebelumnya, dalam soal ini juga sudah tersedia kunci jawaban soal. Hanya saja, pembahasan soal tidak kami sampaikan. Ya semoga meskipun tidak ada pembahasan soal, kunci jawaban dan rumus di atas, sudah cukup untuk membantu anda dalam menjawab pertanyaan tentang passive voice di bawah ini. Tanpa panjang lebar lagi, berikut ini soal passive voice dan jawaban.

Soal Pilihan Ganda Passive Voice 

1. My father always washes the red car on Sunday.
a. The red car has been washed by my father on Sunday.
b. The red car is washing by my father on Sunday.
c. The red car always washed by my father on Sunday.
d. The red car is always washed by my father on Sunday.

2. The old man had cut some trees near his shop.
a. Some trees near his shop have been cut by the old man.
b. Some trees was cut by the old man near his shop.
c. Some trees has been cut by the old man near his shop.
d. Some trees near his shop had been cut by the old man.

3. The important email has been sent by my secretary.
a. My secretary has sent the important email
b. My secretary is sending the important email
c. My secretary was sending the important email
d. My secretary has been sending the important email

4. Andi took many pictures of nice places during his holiday last week.
a. Many pictures of nice places have taken by Andi during his holiday last week.
b. Many pictures of nice places were taken by Andi during his holiday last week.
c. Many pictures of nice places during his holiday last week are taken by Andi.
d. Many pictures of nice places during his holiday last week were taking by Andi.

5. This comedy action movie was directed by Sule Sutisna.
a. Sule Sutisna is directed this comedy action movie.
b. Sule Sutisna directs this comedy action movie.
c. Sule Sutisna directed this comedy action movie.
d. Sule Sutisna was directed this comedy action movie.

6. The ball was being kicked by a little girl.
a. A little girl kicks the ball.
b. A little girl was kicking the ball.
c. A little girl is kicking the ball.
d. A little girl kicked the ball.

7. Budi has taken an English test just now.
a. An English test has been taken by Budi just now.
b. An English test had been taken by Budi just now.
c. An English test was taken by Budi just now.
d. An English test had taken by Budi just now.

8. Someone knocked the door of her house yesterday.
a. The door has knocked of her house by someone yesterday.
b. The door of her house was knocked by someone yesterday.
c. The door was knocked of her house by someone yesterday.
d. The door of her house is knocked by someone yesterday.

9. The room has been cleaned by Rafi just now.
a. Rafi is cleaning the room just now.
b. Rafi had cleaned the room just now.
c. Rafi has been cleaned the room just now.
d. Rafi has cleaned the room just now.

10. A new novel is being read by Tara now.
a. Tara is reading a new novel now.
b. Tara being reading a new novel now.
c. Tara is being reading a new novel now.
d. Tara was reading a new novel now.
Contoh soal passive voice beserta jawaban  Contoh Soal PASSIVE VOICE Beserta Jawaban Terbaru (Tense)
11. My mango juice was drunk by Agus this morning.
a. Agus drinks my mango juice this morning.
b. Agus drunk my mango juice this morning.
c. Agus drank my mango juice this morning.
d. Agus will drink my mango juice this morning.

12. The dishes in this restaurant is made by a famous chef.
a. A famous chef is made the dishes in this restaurant.
b. A famous chef makes the dishes in this restaurant.
c. A famous chef made the dishes in this restaurant.
d. A famous chef is making the dishes in this restaurant.

13. The email that you got yesterday was written by a woman.
a. A woman was wrote the email that you got yesterday.
b. A woman was written the email that you got yesterday.
c. A woman writes the email that you got yesterday.
d. A woman wrote the email that you got yesterday.

14. The children are planting trees in the garden now.
a. Trees are being planting by the children in the garden now.
b. Trees are planted by the children in the garden now.
c. Trees are being planted by the children in the garden now.
d. Trees has planted by the children in the garden now.

15. My friends were fixing my bicycle in my house.
a. My bicycle was fixed by my friends in my house.
b. My bicycle are fixed by my friends in my house.
c. My bicycle is fixed by my friends in my house.
d. My bicycle were fixed by my friends in my house.

Orang lain juga membuka :
1. Contoh Soal Passive Voice Pilihan Ganda + (Jawaban, Pembahasan).

Kunci Jawaban Soal Pilihan Ganda Passive Voice 

1 D 7 A 13 D
2 D 8 B 14 C
3 A 9 D 15 A
4 B 10 A
5 C 11 C
6 B 12 B

Demikian artikel tentang Contoh Soal Passive Voice Beserta Jawaban. Link Download Soal sudah tersedia jika anda membutuhkan contoh soal bahasa inggris di atas. Buka jiga soal bahasa inggris lain yang terlampir di bawah ini.

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