Contoh Soal Subjunctive (wish, as if, if only,...) & Jawaban

Kumpulan contoh soal subjunctive (wish, as if, if only, would rather) beserta jawaban dan pembahasan. Soal mata pelajaran bahasa inggris SMA/ SMK yang akan kami bagikan kali ini yaitu soal yang membahas mengenai kompetensi dasar atau materi subjunctive.

Sebelum kita masuk pada soal tentang subjunctive, akan kami sampaikan sedikit materi tentang subjunctive. Sebenarnya apa itu sih subjunctive? Subjunctive adalah ungkapan peristiwa yang diharapkan terjadi sekarang atau lampau tetapi faktanya peristiwa tersebut tidak terjadi.

Contoh Soal Subjunctive beserta Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Nah, agar pemahaman kita tentang subjunctive meningkat, mungkin kita dapat langsung melihat contoh soal tentang subjunctive. Dalam soal ini, selain kunci jawaban, kami juga sudah menyediakan pembahasan soal. Untuk jenis soal yang kami sediakan sementara ini jenis soal pilihan ganda/ pilgan (multiple choice). Jadi semoga semakin membantu anda dalam menjawab berbagai pertanyaan tentang subjunctive yang disediakan.

Semoga latihan soal ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan pembaca. Khususnya mungkin yang sedang mempersiapkan Ujian Nasional. Karena ada beberapa soal yang menggunakan materi tentang subjunctive. Jika anda tertarik dengan soal bahasa inggris ini, kami sudah menyediakan link download soal yang tersedia. Tanpa panjang lebar lagi, berikut ini soal tentang subjunctive beserta jawabannya.

Jika masih bingung dengan penjelasan pengertian subjunctive, akan kami sampaikan rumus subjunctive dan contoh soal kalimat subjunctive sebelum anda mencoba mengerjakan soal subjunctive yang tersedia.

# Rumus Keterangan
wish (berharap)
would rather (lebih suka)
as if (seakan-akan)
as though (seolah-olah)
if only (seandainya)
S + Past (V3/ were)
Past Perfect
(had + V3/ had been)

# Contoh
1 Kalimat Verbal (dengan predikat verb)
a. I wish I remembered her address (bentuk Past)
Fakta: I don't remember her address (bentuk Present).
b. A would rather he had known the answer (bentuk Past Perfect)
Fakta: He didn't know the answer (bentuk Past).
2 Kalimat Nominal (dengan predikat to be)
a. He acts as if he were a doctor (bentuk Past).
Fakta: He is not a doctor (bentuk Present).
b. If only she had been in Europe (bentuk Past Perfect).
Fakta: she was not in Europe (bentuk Past).

Soal Pilihan Ganda Subjunctive dan Jawaban

1. “Tita are you going to see the dentist this afternoon?”
"I wish I didn't have to."
A. she doesn't have to
B. she needs to go
C she is not going this afternoon
D. she ls willing to go
E. she has gone
Jawaban : B
Pembahasan : Bentuk subjunctive “I didn't have to” mempunyai fakta "I have to" artinya dia harus/ perlu (need)

2. Kiki : I wish I had a certificate of deposit.
Indah : Why?
Kiki : The interest rate is high now

From the dialogue we can conclude that Kiki ...
A. has no interest to open an account in a bank
B. has a certificate of deposit
C. enjoys the high interest paid by the bank
D. doesn't have money kept in bank
E. is going to deposit his money in the bank
Jawab : D
Pembahasan : Bentuk subjunctive "I wish had a certificate of deposits” mempunyai fakta “I don't have a certificate of deposits”

3. Hadi : What's your opinion about global economy?
Tito : Well, I think there will be many foreigners coming to Indonesia and foreign products will be easy to find in our country. But I wish they were not expensive.

From the dialogue above we may conclude that ...
A. Tito doesn't agree with global economy
B. There won't be many tourists visiting Indonesia
C. Tito like buying local products
D. Foreign product are cheaper
E. Foreign product are expensive
Jawab : E
Pembahasan : Bentuk subjunctive “I wish they were not expensive” berarti “they are expensive”.

4. I know you're having financial problems. But you keep it to your self. I wish you .... to me about it now.
A. talk
B. talked
C. had talked
D. didn't talk
E. had not talked
Jawab : D
Pembahasan : Karena faktanya dalam bentuk Present (you keep It to yourself) bentuk subjunctive nya
Jelas menggunakan bentuk Past (II) dan artinya berlawanan.

5. I wish someone answered my call. It's been ringing for about five minutes.

The underlined sentence means ....
A. someone will answer the phone
B. someone had answered my call
C. the phone has stopped ringing
D. nobody answers the phone
E. I would answer the phone
Jawab : D
Pembahasan : Bentuk subjunctive nya menggunakan bentuk Past (II), maka faktanya menggunakan bentuk Present (I) dan berlawanan arti. "someone answered my call" faktanya "someone doesn't answer my call" atau “nobody answers my call ( the phone)”
 SMK yang akan kami bagikan kali ini yaitu soal yang membahas mengenai kompetensi dasar at Contoh Soal Subjunctive (wish, as if, if only,...) & Jawaban
6. He orders people around as if he were the owner of the restaurant.

From the above statement we may conclude that ...
A. he is a successful businessman
B. he has worked hard to own the restaurant
C. he is very proud of his restaurant
D. he has been the owner for years
E. he is just an ordinary employee
Jawab : E
Pembahasan : Bentuk subjunctive nya Past (II) "he were the owner", maka faktanya berbentuk Present (I) dan artinya berlawanan "he is not the owner" (dia bukan pemilik restoran tersebut) sama artinya "dia hanya pekerja biasa" (He is just an ordinary employee).

7. I wish ... now to watch our play.
A. he is here
B. he has been here
C. he were here
D. he will be here
E. he be here
Jawab: C
Pembahasan : Untuk fakta Present (now) maka menggunakan bentuk subjunctive Past/V2 > were.

8. I wish you ..... to stay at home because I'm sure you would have enjoyed the concert very much.
A. didn't have
B. hadn't had
C. hadn't
D. don't have
E. haven't had
Jawab : B
Pembahasan : Untuk fakta yang terjadi pada waktu lampau/Past > you would have enjoyed, maka
memerlukan subjunctive bentuk Past Perfect (had + V3),

9. Did she take the medicine last night?
No, ....
A. I wish she would
B. I wish she had
C. I wish she did
D. I wish she could
E. she wishes she didn't
Jawab : B
Pembahasan : Untuk fakta yang telah terjadi/ Past subjunctive yang dipakai adalah bentuk Past Perfect (had + V3) untuk bentuk singkatnya cukup ditulis auxilliary nya.

10."Let's go swimming!"
“I wish I .... we have a test tomorrow and I still have to study.
A. am able
B. could be
C. will be able
D. be able to
E. could
Jawab : E
Pembahasan : Fakta selalu bertentangan dengan subjunctivenya. Untuk fakta Present (V1) maka dipakai subjunctive Past (V2)

Orang lain juga membuka :
1. Contoh Soal Passive Voice Pilihan Ganda + (Jawaban, Pembahasan)
2. Soal tentang Participle Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya (Present, Past)

11. I would rather you invited him now. This means that ...
A. I invite him
B. I invited him
C. You invite him
D. You don't invite him
E. You didn't invite him
Jawab : D
Pembahasan : Karena kata "would rather" diikuti subject, jelas ciri-ciri subjunctive. Karena menggunakan bentuk Past (2), faktanya jelas bentuk Present dan berlawanan arti. Jadi, jawabannya yang tepat “You don't invite him”

Kumpulan contoh soal subjunctive (wish, as if, if only, would rather) beserta jawaban dan pembahasan sudah kami bagikan di atas. Semoga membantu. Link download sudah tersedia jika anda ingin mendownload soal bahasa inggris di atas.

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