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Pembahasan Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMA 2011

Latihan soal berikut ini sengaja dimulai dari nomor 16, karena untuk no 1 sampai 15 merupakan bagian Listening. Anda juga bisa mengunjungi laman tersebut dengan mengklik link berikut ini.


Latihan Soal Listening UN Bahasa Inggris SMA 2011

The following text is for questions 16 and 17.
Dear all,

Good acting and good story make a play interesting. It is equally important to make it as realistic as possible with suitable costumes, props and sets. Be creative but don't forget to have fun.

Good luck!
16. “It is equally important to make it as realistic as ... “
The underlined word refers to ....
     A. Acting
     B. A play
     C. Costume
     D. Prop
     E. A story

17. What is the text about?
     A. The writer’s complaint to the actors
     B. The direction of making good acting
     C. Steps on how to make a play interesting
     D. Advice to make the play realistic and interesting
     E. A motivation to make the actors work harder

The following text is for questions 18 and 19.
To All Third Grade Students

All libraries books have to be returned on the twenty-second of May 2012. They should be covered with non-colorful wrapping plastic. Lost book must be replaced with the ones of similar subjects. Fine will be charged to the late return of the books. Students who have handed back all the books will get receipts that have to be submitted to to the administration officers.

Library staff
18. What is informed on the announcement?
     A. A request to return library books
     B. The subjects of the library books
     C. A compulsory to replace lost books
     D. The library administration officers
     E. Submission of receipts

19. What will happen if the book you borrowed is lost?
     A. You will get receipts
     B. It should be covered with non-colorful plastic
     C. The librarian will be fined by a certain amount of money
     D. You should cover the book with wrapping plastic
     E. It should be replaced with a similar book

The following text is for questions 20 to 22.

Em-4 is a mixture of microorganisms that give the benefit for cattle growth and product.
1. To decrease smell pollution.
2. To balance mutual microorganisms
3. To increase the quality and quantity of cattle product.
How to use:
1. To get satisfying result, dissolve 1cc EM-4 per liter of water every day.
2. Spray 1cc EM per liter of water every week on the floor, wall and manure.

Agent: PT. Songgolangit
Persada jakarta
Distributor: Ki Hajar Dewantara 46
Phone: (021) 7894529
20. This text tell us about ....
     A. Organism
     B. Fermentation
     C. Cattle product
     D. Contact address
     E. The use of EM-4

21. One of the benefits of the product is ....
     A. For growing cattle bacteria
     B. For increasing smell pollution
     C. For producing cattle manure and organic fermentation bacteria
     D. For increasing micro organisms
     E. For increasing quality and quantity of cattle product

22. What will you do to get satisfying result?
     A. Dissolve 1 cc EM-4 per litre of water every two days
     B. Dissolve 4 cc EM-1 per litre of water every week
     C. Dissolve 1 cc EM-4 per litre of water every week
     D. Dissolve 4 cc EM-1 per litre of water per day
     E. Dissolve 1 cc EM-4 per litre of water everyday

The following text is for questions 23 to 27.
If you get up early in the morning you will see an unusual sight. In city parks and in city streets, lot of boys and girls, or men and women are already up and busy. But they are not working or going anywhere. They are exercising. Some are playing football or badminton and some others are jogging. What is jogging?

Jogging is a gentle running. Why is jogging so popular today? Why do people jog? People jog to relax themselves, to keep themselves fi t, or simply to enjoy themselves. Our world today is a world where life is comfortable and easy for many city people. Fast buses, cars, or motorcycles take us to work or to school. Lifts carry us quickly from one fl oor to another in large buildings. So many people get very little exercise.

What do you need to start jogging? You only need a pair of running shoes, an old pair or jeans or shorts, a sweater, and a little courage. Don’t be embarrased if you meet your neighbour as you return home, hot and tired. When you begin jogging, start by running some of the way and then walking. Don’t jog too far to begin with and jog slowly. Once you develop a regular jogging programme, you will feel fi t and well, and you will be ready to start a busy day feeling fresh and awake.

Next time you are at the swimmingpool, look at the poeple around you, especially those who are over thirty. How many of them have a fat stomach? Now you understand why more people today go jogging or do some other sort of exercises.
23. Which of the following titles is suitable for the text above?
     A. An Easy and Cheap Sports
     B. How to Lose Stomach Fat
     C. Having Comfortable Life
     D. Jogging, a Gentle Running
     E. City Parks

24. What will a jogger feel after having a regular jogging programme?
     A. Well and fit
     B. Strong and fat
     C. Fat and clumsy
     D. Weak and stressed
     E. Tired and exhausted

25. From the text, we know that ....
     A. Jogging programme means extra exercise for city people
     B. Jogging will need extra sport equipment to use
     C. People get many exercises in easy and comfortable life
     D. Jogging can make people relax
     E. The neighbour will be embarrassing to see us jogging

26. The communicative purpose of the text is ....
     A. To show the steps of jogging
     B. To analyze what jogging is
     C. To discuss about jogging
     D. To see if jogging works
     E. To tell what jogging is

27. “... you will see an unusual sight.” (Paragraph 1)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
     A. Strange
     B. Popular
     C. Regular
     D. Common
     E. Traditional

The following text is for questions 28 to 31.
Spanish thief saw himself as Robin Hoodlike bandit

Madrid (Reuters) – Spain’s most wanted thief, “The Loner,” saw himself as a Robin Hood – style fi gure and said he robbed banks only because they stole money from the public, his lawyer said Thursday.

Accused of killing three policemen and holding up more than 30 banks, Jaime Jimenez Arbe was planning to move on to insurance companies when he was arrested last month, Spanish media reported, citing lawyer Jose Mariano Trillo-Figueroa.

“I am not a killer and if I was obliged to shoot at offi cers of the law, it was always against my will and in order to avoid being arrested,” Jimenez said in a letter reproduced on the websites of newspaper El Pais and El Mundo. Trillo-Figueroa said Jimenez, who robbed the banks disguised in a false beard and a wig, thinks of himself as Curro Jimenez, a Spanish 1970s television bandit in the style of Robin Hood.

The Loner was arrested in Portugal, armed with a submachine gun in preparation for another bank robbery – Reuters.
28. What is the text about?
     A. The website of newspaper El Pais and El Mundo
     B. Spanish media reporter, Jose Mariano Trillo Figueroa
     C. The arresting of Spain’s most wanted thief in Portugal
     D. A submachine gun in preparation for another bank robbery
     E. A Spanish 1970s television bandit in the style of Robin Hood

29. Before arrested, Jaime Jimenez Arbe ... in Spain.
     A. Had just robbed policemen
     B. Had robbed 30 banks
     C. Would have killed three offi cers of the law
     D. Had robbed insurance companies
     E. Had been working for companies

30. The reason why “The Loner” robbed banks is because ....
     A. His lawyer helped him
     B. He was the most wanted thief in Spain
     C. He was accused of killing three policemen
     D. He believed that the banks stole money from the public
     E. He saw himself as a Robin Hood-style figure

31. “Trillo-Figueroa said Jimenez, who robbed the banks disguised in a false beard and a wig ...“ (Paragraph 3)
The underlined word ‘disguised’ means ....
     A. Changed appearance
     B. Reduced confidence
     C. Damaged reputation
     D. Exposed to view
     E. Made known

The following text is for questions 32 to 36.
Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarders to skate. This prevents young people from enjoying an active, energetic, and adventurous pastime.

Just watch a local street for a short while and note the steady stream of skaters speeding up and down the footpaths. Toddlers can be trampled on and old ladies can be knocked down as they struggle home carrying their cat food from supermarkets.Thunderous rattles are heard on our main roads each night as skaters travel without lights and without signs to oncoming cars.

Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people’s health. It increases fi tness, improves balance, and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles. Although it appears to be a solo sport, when groups practice together and compete to perform stunts or runs they form fi rm friendships.

Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes. If they are actively involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs, or break laws for fun.

Kids will always seek thrills and excitement. They need to practice their 180’s, 360’s, and Ollie’s free from restrictions. We must build skate parks in the suburbs so that street are safe for small children and senior citizens and skaters have spaces where they can race, chase, speed, and soar towards the sun.
32. Where do the kids usually ride their skateboard?
     A. In the main roads and footpaths
     B. In front of the supermarket
     C. In front of their home
     D. In the suburbs
     E. In the park

33. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
     A. There is no safe place for skateboarders
     B. Kids seek an excitement in skate
     C. The goodness of skateboarding
     D. The skateboarding is a serious sport
     E. How to prevent overweight by skateboarding

34. The writer’s purpose in writing the text is ....
     A. To invite the local teenagers to skate in a park built specifically for skaters
     B. To convince the readers that they need a safe place for skaters to skate
     C. To provoke youngsters into the local government policy
     D. To promote the writer’s business of skateboarding class
     E. To inform parents about the goodness of skateboarding

35. What must we do to let the skaters play?
     A. Join with them anywhere
     B. Give them space in the park
     C. Let them play in the main roads
     D. Let them play in the local street
     E. Build a skate park in the suburbs

36. They need to practice their 180’s, 360’s, and Ollie’s free from restrictions. (paragraph 5)
The synonym of the underlined word is ....
     A. Approval
     B. Allowance
     C. Improvement
     D. Prevention
     E. Limitation

The following text is for questions 37 to 40.
Kang Chol Hwan was born into a loyal family that had once lived in the large Korean community of Japan. In Kyoto, his grandfather had been supporter of Kim II Sung, North Korean’s Great Leader since 1945. In 1961 the grandfather returned with his family to North Korea and had important government post.

Within months, however, he was complaining to friends that North Korea was not the country he had expected. He was shocked to see so much poverty, which he eventually came to blame on the government’s stifl ing left for work and never returned. One morning in July 1977, when Kang was nine, his grandfather left for work and never returned.

A few weeks later, seven plain clothes security guard stormed into Kang’s house “Your grandfather betrayed the fatherland,” one of them stated” You must be punished.”

Kang’s parents and grandmother sobbed as they forced to pack their belongings into two army trucks. The family was driven off, but Kang’s mother was left behind, “spared” because her own father was regarded as a revolutationary hero. That was the last Kang ever saw her.
37. What was a reason for Kang’s grandfather never returned to Kang’s house?
     A. A supporter of Kim II Sung
     B. Accused of betraying North Korea
     C. Regarded as a hero
     D. As an important person in Korea
     E. Force Kang’s family to leave their homeland

38. What is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?
     A. The last minutes Kang gathered together with his mother
     B. The day Kang ever saw his grandma and grandpa
     C. The moment Kang’s father was regarded as a hero
     D. The last day Kang’s parents and his grandma sobbed
     E. The sad moment when Kang’s parents meet grandma

39. Why did Kang’s grandfather disappear?
     A. He left for work and went somewhere else
     B. He returned to North Korea
     C. He was supporter of Kim II Sung
     D. He went to the government’s office
     E. He was kidnapped and punished by the security guards

40. A few weeks later, seven plain clothes security guards stormed into Kang’s house.
The underlined word has the same meaning as ....
     A. Destroyed
     B. Attacked
     C. Knocked
     D. Involved
     E. Knotted

The following text is for questions 41 to 45.
Male chauvinism (men's believe in male superiority) extends even into the area of automobile driving, it seems. They believe that theyare far better drivers than women. Men consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive and even dangerous behind the wheel.

However, statistics prove that women are, in fact, safer drivers than men. For example, insurance rates for women are 20 percent than they are for men. Another proof is that more accidents are caused by male drivers between the ages of 18 annd 25 than by any other groups. Also the greater percentage of accident involving death is caused by men. Although women are criticized for being too cautious, they are really just being safe drivers.

The reason for women driver's safer habits can perhaps be  found in the differing attitudes of sexes toward automobiles as a convenience, like a washing machine.

On the other hand, men regard the automobile as an extension of their egos. Using it as a weapon when they feel particularly aggressive or using it as a status symbol.

In all, women are safer drivers because of their attitude. Men can learn to become safe drivers if they adopt the attitude that an automobile is merely a convenience.
41. The text is about ....
     A. Road accidents
     B. Women attitude towards automobile
     C. Male superiority in automobile driving
     D. A comparison between men and women drivers
     E. Statistics about the number of road accidents

42. In term of car accidents, the statistic proves that car accidents caused by ....
     A. Men are higher than those of women
     B. Men are lower than that of women
     C. Men are as high as that of women
     D. Women are equal to that of men
     E. Women are the same as that of men

43. Which of the following you don’t agree with about men drivers?
     A. They are safe and careful drivers
     B. They cause more accidents than women
     C. They consider themselves to be competent drivers
     D. They feel that using a car shows status of symbol
     E. They regard automobiles as an extension of their egos

44. We can understand from the text that ....
     A. Men always criticize women for their bad driving attitude
     B. Women show their egos by aggressive driving
     C. The statistic shows women drive the car carelessly
     D. Young women drivers get many accident
     E. Men underestimate women

45. “Men consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive, and even dangerous behind the wheel (paragraph 1)
The underlined word means ....
     A. Intent
     B. Furious
     C. Watchful
     D. Careless
     E. Indiscipline

The following text is for questions 46 to 50.
It was the dawn of science and technology. Anything seemed possible even the creation of life itself. Victor Frankenstein  becomes obsessed with this idea and works relentlessly to prove his theories; but the glory he imagined becomes a living nightmare - not only for him, but for his friends and family too.

Mary Shelley’s gothic horror story-frankenstein - was first published in 1818 and has been the inspiration behind numerous stage productions and films - many of which strayed a long way away from her original masterpiece. Classical comic presenting a full-colored graphic remains true to this classic tale, bringing the original story to life which has never been created before.

This graphic novel is available  in two versions: Original Text and Quick Text editions. The Original Text stays faithful to Shelley's original text, while the Quick Text brings the story up to date by presenting the text into a more simplified style so that the tale is accessible to all readers.

The quick Text edition will allow you to soak up a general feeling for characters and locations, while the Original Text version will  help you easily slip into the language in which the novel was written.

Even if you're not studying the original, this graphic novel is worth buying. It's a great story, and should be one that everyone has the chance to read. Now, thanks to this release, even  those who don't particularly like to read too much are given the chance to find this tale and hopefully it may encourage them to search out the original book too.

As with the previous classical comics, the presentation is first class. The best grade glossy paper really helps to set this graphic novel head and shoulders above the usual comic book releases on the market. Not only, that you also get a pretty comprehensive biography of Shelley; Mary Shelley's family Tree; a feature that explains what life was like in the year of the book's release; and a brief

Look on how Frankenstein has been adapted to many different formats over the years.
46. The text is about ....
     A. The quick text and original text of Frankenstein story
     B. The simplify ed text of the updated horror story
     C. The horror story written by Frankenstein
     D. The original text of the author’s novel
     E. The updated of classical horror story

47. The simple way to understand the story is to read ....
     A. The original text
     B. Classic comics
     C. The quick text
     D. The original book
     E. The author’s biography

48. The main idea for the third paragraph is ....
     A. Victor Frankenstein wrote his story with gothic horror style
     B. There are two versions of the graphic novel to enjoy
     C. The different versions of Frankenstein story is always an inspiration for drama and film productions
     D. The simplify ed novel has more interesting pictures for readers to understand
     E. Mary Shelley had two different versions of Frankenstein story adapted for film

49. The original text of Frankenstein graphic story makes the readers ....
     A. Understand the style of writing in its era
     B. Curious about the historical background of story
     C. Recognize the different life of Frankenstein story
     D. Have the inspiration to put the story to a film and drama products
     E. Remind the life of Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein

50. “... many of which strayed a long way away from ... “ (paragraph 2).
The underlined word can be replaced with
     A. Wandered
     B. Changed
     C. Directed
     D. Pointed
     E. Avoided


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