Kumpulan Interjection (Kata Seru) Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

iTapuih.com - Kumpulan Interjections (Kata Seru) Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap. Interjection digunakan pada Bahasa Inggris untuk menyatakan perasaan kepada lawan bicara. Kata ini biasanya jarang ditemukan pada kalimat tulisan akademis. Lebih sering digunakan untuk percakapan secara langsung. Kata ini pun dapat berdiri sendiri dan ketika disandingkan dengan sebuah kalimat, kata ini tidak memiliki struktur gramatikal. Kata-kata yang tidak memiliki makna gramatikal, tetapi hanya menunjukkan emosi, seperti "Aha" dan "Wow"). Hal tersebut lebih terdengar seperti penekan kepada suara sendiri seperti "Aaaaaah !!!" atau "awwwwwww !!". Berikut ini, beberapa macam kelompok Interjection (Kata Seru) dalam bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan perasaan yang hendak disampaikan.

Berikut ini beberapa expression yang bisa kita gunakan dalam Making Request, mulai dari yang beginner sampai yang advance.

aah!aaah, aaaahh"Help!""Aaaah! It's eating my laeg!"
ahaa-ha"I understand""Aha! So you took the money!"
ahem"Attention, please!""Ahem! Swearing is against office policy."
ahhahhh"Ok, I see""Ahh, yes, I understand now"
arghaugh"Damn!""Argh, the car won't work!"
awwaw, awww"How sweet!""Aww, what an adorable puppy"
awwaw, ohh, ahh"That's too bad""Aww, it hit him right in the nuts!"
awoh"Come on!""Aw, don't be like that!"
bah"Whatever""Bah, I never liked him anyways."
boobooh"That's bad""Boo, get off the stage!"
boo!booh!"Scared you!"I jumped out from the closet and yelled "boo!"
boo-hooboohoo"I'm crying!"Your internet is slow? Boo-hoo, how sad for you.
brrbrrrr"It's cold""Brrr, it's -20C outside"
d'ohdoh"That was stupid/bad!""I just deleted all my files. D'oh!"
duh"That's dumb""Duh, you didn't plug it in."
eekeeeek"Help!""Eeek, a mouse!"
eep"Oh no!""Eep! I didn't mean to say that!"
eh?huh?"What?""Eh? I didn't hear what you said."
eh?huh?, eyh?"Is that right?""So she dumped you, eh?"
ewwugh, ewww"Disgusting""Ewww, this apple is rotten"
gah"This is hopeless""Gah, I give up"
gee"Really?""Gee, that's super!"
grrgrrrr"I'm angry""Grrr, I'll kick his ass"
hmmhm, hmmmm"I wonder" "Hmm, I'm not sure about that"
humphharumph"I don't like this""There are kids on my lawn again, humph!"
hahheh"Funny.""Heh, that's clever"
hahahehe, hahaha, bahaha"Funny!""Haha, that's hilarious!"
huh"Really?""Huh, you were right"
hurrahhooray, huzzah"Let's celebrate!""Hurrah, we won!"
ichyuck, yak"Disgusting""Blerch, this apple is rotten"
meheh"I don't know""Meh, whatever you think is best"
mhmmmhm, uh-hu"Yes""Do you think so too?" "Mhm"
mmmmm, mmh"Lovely""Mmm, this ice cream is delicious"
muahahamwahaha, bwahaha"I'm so evil!""I switched the sugar and the salt! Muahaha!"
nah"No""Want another beer?" "Nah, I'm good"
nuh-uhnuh-hu, nu-huh"No, it isn't!"/"Did not!""I hit you!" "Nuh-uh!" "Yuh-uh!" "Nuh-uh!"
oh"I see""Oh, you wanted sugar, not milk."
ooh-la-laoh-lala"Fancy!""A seven layer wedding cake? Ooh-la-la!"
oohoooh"Wonderful!""Oooh, it's shiny!"
oomphumph"I'm exerting myself""Push on 3.. 1, 2, 3.. oomph!"
oops"I didn't mean to do that""Oops, I knocked your cup over"
owoww, ouch, yeow"That hurts""Oww, I hit my thumb"
oyoi, oyh"Hey, you!""Oy! You forgot your wallet!"
oyoy vay"Oh no...""The bills are biling up. Oy..."
pewpee-yew"It stinks!""Pew, that smells so gross!"
pffpffh, pssh, pfft"That's nothing""Pff, I once caught a fish twice that size"
phew"That was close!""I didn't do my homework, but the teacher didn't check. Phew!"
psstWhispering "Hey, you!""Psst. Let's skip the next class!"
sheeshjeez"I can't believe this!""Sheesh, now he's drunk again"
shhhush, shush"Be quiet""Shh, I'm trying to hear what they're saying!"
shoo"Go away""Get out of here! Shoo!"
tsk-tsktut-tut"Disappointing""Tsk-tsk, he is late for work again"
uh-huhmhm, uh-hu"Yes""Do you think so too?" "Uh-hu"
uh-ohoh-oh"Oh no!""Uh-oh, I think the bear is inside the house"
uh-uhunh-unh"No""Eat your spinach!" "Uh-uh!"
uhhuhm, err"Wait, I'm thinking""Seven times eight is... uhh... 56"
waahwaaaaah"I'm crying!""I don't want you to go! Waaah!"
weewhee, weee"This is fun!""Weee! Faster!"
whoa"Hold on.""Whoa, take it easy!"
wow"Amazing!""Wow, that's incredible!"
yahooyippie"Let's celebrate!""Yippie! We won!"
yay"Yes!""Yay! We won!"
yeahyeeeeaah!"Yes!""Yeeeaah! Kick his butt!"
yee-hawyeehaw"I'm excited!""Let's gather some cattle! Yee-haw!"
yikes"That's a bad surprise.""I found out I owed $5000 in back taxes. Yikes!"
yoo-hooyoohoo"Hey you!""Yoo-hoo, sugercup! Come give me a hug!"
yuh-uhyuh-hu, yu-huh"Yes, it is!"/"Did so!""I hit you!" "Nuh-uh!" "Yuh-uh!" "Nuh-uh!" ...
yuckich, blech, bleh"Disgusting!""Yuck, I wouldn't want to touch that"
zingba-dum-tss, badum tish"Haha, well said!""You're so stupid, you'd trip over a wireless phone!" "Zing!"
Demikianlah daftar Interjection yang digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan bahwa ada beberapa kata terdapat beberapa kali namun dengan makna yang berbeda.

Sumber https://www.itapuih.com/

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