Cara Menyatakan Negation Dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris.
Friday, December 4, 2015

Contoh :
She is a nice girl. -- She is not a nice girl.
Dalam pembahasan kali ini, ada beberapa bentuk negasi yang akan dibahas yaitu Not, No, None, dan beberapa kata yang lain yang menunjukkan atau menyatakan Negasi.
A. Not, merupakan adverb yang membentuk negasi kata kerja. Penggunaan Not adalah sebagai berikut :
auxiliary + not + V + ing
Contoh :
- She is not going to school.
- My friends are not joining the festival.
auxiliary + not + V
Contoh :
- He doesn't like studying in the class.
- They do not want to be a loser in the competition.
auxiliary + not + past participle
Contoh :
- She has not studied yet.
- They have not seen the path.
modal + not + V
Contoh :
- We could not accept the opinion.
- You should not waste your time.
B. No, merupakan adjective yang menyatakan ketiadaan dari sesuatu. Berikut penggunaannya.
Verb + no + noun
- There are no students in the class .
- We have no access to enter this building.
C. None, merupakan pronoun yang berati not any atau not one.
Gunakan None ketika noun yang terganti sudah disebut.
Contoh :
- The children ate all cookies. When I arrived, there were none left. ( no cookies)
- The visitors are asked to show their identity card but they have none. (no identity card)
None + of the + noun
- When I arrived, none of the students were gone.
- None of the people in this village know how to read.
D. Penggunaan any setelah kata- kata negatif untuk menyatakan ketiadaan akan kuantitas pada benda jamak yang dapat dihitung (PL-CN) dan benda yang tidak dapat dihitung ( NCN). kata- kata yang digunakan seperti anyone, anybody, anywhere, anymore, anything.
Contoh :
- I do not have any free time today.
- There were not any students bringing dictionary.
- He does not go to the office anymore.
- We did not see anyone leave for this building.
E. Ada beberapa kata yang dimaknai negatif meskipun kata- kata tersebut berbentuk positif misalnya hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, without, dan only.
Contoh :
- He had scarcely enough money for the bus.
- They went to Jakarta without his father.
F. Pada bentuk negatif infinitives (to infinitive) dibentuk dengan meletakkan not sebelum to infinitive.
Contoh :
- He said not to talk during the lesson.
- She suggested not to break the law.
G. Penggunaan no longer sebagai bentuk ekspresi negatif idiomatik dalm waktu.
Contoh :
- She no longer lives here.
- They no longer study together in this campus.
Contoh Soal Error Examples
Wrong : He is no going on vacation this week.
Right : He is not going on vacation this week.
Wrong : There are not chuldren in this house.
Right : There are no children in this house.
Wrong : By the time I arrived, There was not party held in the school.
Right : By the time I arrived, There was no party held in the school.
Wrong : He could not scarcely believe what I told him.
Right : He could scarcely believe what I told him.
Wrong : Don't go climbing without no instructure.
Right : Don't go climbing without instructure.
Wrong : He did not have no good reason for scolding him.
Right : He did not have any good reason for scolding him.
Wrong : We were no interested in what they are offering.
Right : We were not interested in what they are offering.
Wrong : He could not longer tolerate the situation.
Right : He could no longer tolerate the situation.
Wrong : If I were you I would no stop studying.
Right : If I were you I would not stop studying.
Wrong : The rules required us to work in a team and to not separate each other.
Right : The rules required us to work in a team and not to separate each other.
Demikian pembahasan kami mengenai cara menyatakan negation atau penyangkalan dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris. Mohon maaf bila ada kekurangan, Terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat. nantikan informasi dan pembahasan kami berikutnya. Sumber