Soal dan Jawaban Contoh Percakapan Singkat Bahasa Inggris

Soal dan Jawaban Contoh Percakapan Singkat Bahasa Inggris - Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan Soal dan Jawaban Contoh Percakapan Singkat Bahasa Inggris. Biasanya dalam berbagai soal ulangan, kita sering dijumpai oleh soal percakapan. Untuk membiasakan diri mengerjakan soal percakapan mari kita sering berlatih mengerjakan Soal dan Jawaban Contoh Percakapan Singkat Bahasa Inggris . Semoga Soal dan Jawaban Contoh Percakapan Singkat Bahasa Inggris ini bisa bermanfaat bagi teman-teman. Berikut Soal dan Jawaban Contoh Percakapan Singkat Bahasa Inggris :  

Bambang          : Are you all right, Dina? You look so upset.
Dina                 : Don’t bother yourself about me.
Bambang          : Come on. You can tell me.
Dina                 : Don’t worry about me. I can take care myself.
Bambang          : Dina, I’m your closest friend at this class.
Dina                 : Keep your nose to your self.
Bambang          : O.K. If that’s how you feel about …


1. Who are they?
2. How does Bambang show that he cares about his friend?
3. Does Dina tell her problem to Bambang?
4. Does Dina want Bambang to help her solve her problem?
5. Does Bambang insist to help?

Text 2.
Mother  : Susi! Adrian is waiting for you in the living room. Come out!
Susi      : Who cares?. I don’t care him anymore.
Mother  : Susi, he says he wants to apologize…
Susi      : So what? What difference does it make?
Mother  : What happened? Did you have a fight or something?
Susi      : It is more than a fight. He betrayed me. He made a date with another girl, Mom. I decided to
  break him up. I don’t want to meet him anymore.

1. What’s wrong with Susi’s relationship with her boy friend?
2. What caused the problem?
3. Does Susi care about the boy’s visit?
4. What expression does she use to show it?

Jawaban :

Text 1
  1. classmates
  2. Saying,” Are you all right, Dina?”
  3. No, she doesn’t
  4. No, she doesn’t
  5. Yes, He does.
Text 2
  1. Their relation is in disharmony
  2. Because Adrian had another girl
  3. No, She doesn’t
  4. Who cares? I don’t care him anymore


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