Idiom Bahasa Inggris : Lesson 3 + Arti

Idiom secara harfiah bisa diartikan sebagai ungkapan kiasan. Ekspresi, kata, atau frasa dengan makna kiasan yang dipahami dalam kaitannya dengan penggunaan umum bahwa ekspresi yang terpisah dari arti harfiah atau definisi dari kata-kata yang dibuat, itu pengertian spesifiknya. Terdapat 25.000 ekspresi idomatik dalam bahasa Inggris. Bayangkan sobat, 25.000! Woww...

Memang tidak sedikit jumlah ekspresi idiomatik dalam bahasa Inggris (kebanyakan kalau boleh dibilang), tetapi kita bisa mengambil beberapa saja yang sering digunakan dalam percakpan umum. Nah, oleh sebab itu Belajar Bahasa Inggris menampilkan ekspresi idiomatik bahasa Inggris yang sering digunakan di sini. Berikut beberapa Idiom Bahasa Inggris beserta arti, penjelasan penggunaan beserta contohnya. Semoga bermanfaat. Check this out!!!

Daftar Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lesson 3

Berikut di bawah ini kami tampilkan 10 idiom bahasa Inggris berikut artinya:
No Idiom Arti
01 Be up to someone Terserah
02 Foot the bill Membayar
03 Go Dutch Bayar sendiri-sendiri/ Patungan
04 On the second thought Rencana ke dua/ Rencana cadangan
05 Dress up Berdandan
06 Get along with Berhubungan/ Mempunyai hubungan dengan
07 Do one's best Melakukan yang terbaik / berusaha
08 Lose one's temper Hilan kesabaran/ Marah
09 See eye to eye Sepaham/ setuju
10 Make up Berbaikan/ rujuk

Dari 10 idiom bahasa Inggris di atas, kami masukan ke dalam dua dialog percakapan di bawah ini beserta catatan kecil mengenai perubahan idiom dalam pengunaan sehari-hari.

Dialogue 1 : A Question of Money

Brian : Where would you like to go for dinner tonight?
Joan : Well, there's new French restaurant downtown, or we can go to the seafood place on Lincoln Avenue. What do you think?
Brian : It's up to you. Whatever you say is fine with me.
Joan : You should choose the restaurant if you're going foot the bill.
Brian : Actually, I thought we could go Dutch this evening. I don't have much money.
Joan : Oh. On second thought, let's go to Hamburger Heaven. I haven't been there for a long time.
Brian : That's a great idea. That way we won't have to dress up.

Dari idiom bahasa Inggris yang bergaris-bawah di dialog percakapn di atas, berikut merupakan contoh-contoh kalimat yang mungkin bisa diguakan:

Be up to someone
- We can't help Joe. It is up to him to stop drinking so much.
- I'm the only one in my family who can cook. It's up to me to make dinner.
- Elizabeth drove, so it was up to her to decided what time we left.

Foot the bill
-Jane got married last year and her father footed the bill.
- Harry always foot the bill when we go to a restaurant.
- Jim invited his friends to the restaurant, but he didn't foot the bill.

Go Dutch
- We each paid our own check at the nightclub. We go dutch.
- Did you go dutch or did you friend pay for the tickets?

On second thought
- On second thought, we decided to take the bus instead of the train.
- Bill agreed to the plan on second thought.

Dress up
- He always dresses up for work.
- We dressed up and went dancing last Saturday night.
- He doesn't dress up. He likes to wear blue jeans.

Idiom (be) up to (someone) sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari hari. Kata (be) merupakan tobe auxiliary yang bisa diganti am, is, are, was, were, atau been. Sedangkan untuk (someone)bisa diganti dengan nama orang atau kata ganti objek seperti him, her, them, you, us, atau me.
- It's up to you. You decide it.
- It was up to Jane. We would agreed.

Idiom foot the bill, kata foot diperlakukan sebagai kata kerja umum (regular verb), oleh karena itu bentuk lampaunya (past) adalah footed.
- The army footed the bill for Joe's training as a radio operator.

 secara harfiah bisa diartikan sebagai ungkapan kiasan Idiom Bahasa Inggris : Lesson 3 + Arti

Dialog 2 : Family Feud
Alice : Are you going to visit your in-laws on your vacation?
Susan : I'm afraid not. My husband just doesn't get along with his older brother.
Alice : Oh, really? Why not?
Susan : Poor Steve does his best to be pleasant, but they disagree about everything; politics, religion, sports, even the weather!
Alice : That's too bad. Do they lose their tempers?
Susan : Yes, they do. Sometimes they become very angry when they don't see eye to eye.
Alice : Well, don't worry too much. Brothers often argue. I'm sure they'll make up soon.

Dari idiom bahasa Inggris yang bergaris-bawah di dialog percakapn di atas, berikut merupakan contoh-contoh kalimat yang mungkin bisa diguakan:

Get along with
- He likes his job and he gets along with his boss.
- She moved because she and her roommate didn't get along.
- I don't visit my cousin very often because I didn't get along with her.

Do one's best
- We do our best to arrive on time every day.
- They do their best, but they didn't win the game.
- He's very intelligent, but he doesn't do his best in school.

Lose one's temper
- He never lose his temper. He's a very calm person.
- Please don lose your temper. I'm only joking.
- Mrs. Green lost her temper when the dogs ruined her garden.

See eye to eye
- Lucy and fred decided not to get married because they didn't see eye to eye on many things.
- My mother and I almost always agree. She sees eye to eye with me.

Make up
- Do you make up with your friend after your argument on Saturday night?
- He ofter argues with his brother, but he always makes up with him.

Idiom get along with biasanya juga terdapat di akhir kalimat. Jika idiom tersebut berada di akhir kalimat, maka idiom tersebut hanya menjadi get along.
- Carl and his sister don't get along.

Lose one's temper, kata one dalam idiom tersebut diganti dengan kata ganti kepunyaan (his, her, my, our, their atau your) dari pelaku yang ditunjukan di awal kalimat.
- We don't ofter lose our tempers.
- He always lose his temper.

Semoga artikel tersebut di atas tentang Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lesson 3 bisa menambah pengetahuan sobat sekalian mengenai idiom. Tidak lupa kami mengajak sobat untuk memberikan kritik dan saran yang membangun jika dari artikel tersebut di atas terdapat kesalahan baik dari segi penulisan maupun pembahasan. Terima kasih ^^

Lihat juga Kumpulan Idiom Bahasa Inggris Pilihan yang lain di sini.

1. Idiom in American Life (Julie Howard)
2. Dictionary of American Idioms (McGraw-Hill's)


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