25 Kesalahan Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Pintar
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Melanjutkan pembahasan yang kemarin, tentang kesalahan-kesalahan berbahasa Inggris yang dilakukan oleh Mahasiswa tingkat dasar, tingkat menengah dan tingkat mahir, kali ini pembahasan lebih sulit dan lebih rumit dari sebelumnya; yaitu “25 Kesalahan berbahasa Inggris yang sering dilakukan oleh Mahasiswa yang sangat Mahir”. Dengan kata lain, posting ini jelas ditujukan untuk anda yang memang merasa memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris diatas rata-rata. Namun tidak salah juga jika ada yang memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris pas-pasan mau membaca posting ini sekedar mengintip kesalahan apa sih yang sering dilakukan mahasiswa yang jago Bahasa Inggrisnya.
Seperti sebelumnya, referensi yang digunakan dalam posting ini adalah dari buku karangan Michael Swan yang berjudul Practical English Usage edisi ketiga. Judul yang ditawarkan Swan yaitu “Even very advanced students can make mistakes – nobody’s perfect! Here are 25” jika diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia menjadi “Bahkan Mahasiswa yang sangat mahir pun bisa melakukan kesalahan – tidak ada manusia yang sempurna! Ini dia 25 Kesalahan Mereka”. Mengadaptasi judul tersebut, saya member judul posting ini menjadi “25 Kesalahan Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Pintar!!” seperti yang diungkap Swan, Check these out!!!
No | Jangan katakan/tulis | Katakan/tulis |
1 | No doubt the world is getting warmer | There is no doubt the world is getting warmer |
2 | I can’t think of anybody whom to invite | I can’t think of anybody to invite |
3 | My father, whom we hope will be out of hospital soon, ….. | My father, who we hope will be out of hospital soon, …. |
4 | Would you follow me wherever I would go? | Would you follow me wherever I went? |
5 | We all have to live in the society | We all have to live in society |
6 | The number of the unemployed is going up | The number of unemployed is going up |
7 | She was showing tiredness signs | She was showing signs of tiredness |
8 | She works the hardest when she’s working for her family | She works hardest when she’s working for her family |
9 | I’m thankful for your help | I’m grateful for your help |
10 | We talked about if it was ready | We talked about whether it was ready |
11 | What live in those little holes? | What lives in those little holes? |
12 | Some people are interested, but the majority doesn’t care | Some people are interested, but the majority don’t care |
13 | It mustn’t be the postman at the door. It’s only 7 o’clock | It can’t be the postman at the door. It’s only 7 o’clock |
14 | A third of the students is from abroad | A third of the students are from abroad |
15 | Except Angie, everybody was there | Except for Angie, everybody was there |
16 | I wish you felt/would feel better tomorrow | I hope you feel better tomorrow |
17 | The train must be late, as it happened yesterday | The train must be late as happened yesterday |
18 | When I wrote my letters, I did some gardening | When I had written my letters, I did some gardening |
19 | When I had opened the door, the children ran in | When I opened the door, the children ran in |
20 | Stefan can never return back to his country | Stefan can never return to his country/go back to his country |
21 | Will you go and see me when I’m in hospital? | Will you come and see me when I’m in hospital? |
22 | May you go camping this summer? | Do you think you’ll go camping this summer? |
23 | My cousin works for the NATO | My cousin works for NATO |
24 | My wife will be angry unless I’m home by 7.00 | My wife will be angry if I’m not home by 7.00 |
25 | We were poured water on | We had water poured on us. (Water was poured on us) |
Memang tidak ada yang sempurna, bahkan mahasiswa ataupun dosen sekalipun memiliki banyak kesalahan. Semoga dengan merenungi kesalahan-kesalahan diatas, kita bisa terus waspada dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris dan semoga saja kesalahan-kesalahan yang sering kita lakukan dapat membuat kita semakin serius dalam meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang kita miliki. Sekian dan See yo…
Swan, Michael. 2005. Practical English Usage:3rd edition. Oxford University Press.
Sumber https://www.englishindo.com/