Soal USBN Bahasa Inggris 2019 SMK Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

 Give me a hand with these two big suitcases Soal USBN Bahasa Inggris 2019 SMK Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawabannya
 1.    Room boy        : Good morning, Sir ….?
Mr. Jack           : Yes, please. Give me a hand with these two big suitcases.
Room boy        : Yes, Sir.
a.    Can I help you?                                                                 
b.    Could you do me a favor?                                    
c.    Could you help me?
d.    May you help me?
e.    would you like to help me?


2.    What is the topic of the announcement above?
a.      MSG ELECTION is coming
b.      Forming political parties
c.      Orientation’s schedule
d.      How to approach G10 MSG
e.      Joining the election

3.    Michael   :  When was the last time you washed your car? It’s so dirty
Revina    :  I can’t remember. My schedule is very tight.
Michael   :  .... I’m not doing anything right now.
a.     Let me help you wash your car
b.     Would you take it to the salon?
c.     You should wash the car soon
d.     How about washing your car?
e.     You should wash your car yourself

4.    Anisa   : What is our friend, Bayu, doing now?
          Aulia    : It’s 8 o’clock p.m. I think ....
          Anisa   :  I don’t think so. He must be watching television
a.      He does doing his homework
b.      He is going to do his homework
c.      He is doing his homework
d.      He did his homework
e.      He does his homework
5.    If all the students pass their final examination, the teacher will give a party for them at his house.
This means that .... at the teacher’s house.
a.    There will be possible a party
b.    There has been a party
c.    There is no party
d.    There has to be a party
e.    There is a party

The following memo is for questions number 6 to 7


The PANCA Company

From     : Mega Rianty
Date      : Friday, April 17
To           : Accounting Departement staff
Re           : Next week

I will be out of the office an accountants ‘ conference next week, April 20-24. If you need help during that time, please contact my assistant, Wulandari.

Thank you

6.    Mega Rianty wrote the memo because …
a.    She will attend a conference
b.    She needs her assistant to visit the other office
c.    She has another office accountant
d.    She contacts Wulandari to attend the conference
e.    She will apply to The Panca Company

      The following memo is for question number 7
From       :  Personal Manager
To           :  Monac, the supervisor
Sent        :  Monday, March 1, 2018
Subject   :  Mr. Marcosy’s visit

Mr. Marcosy will visit our company, especially to see our logistic division, on Thursday, March 4, 2018. I’d like you to prepare a program for him. He will come in the afternoon after lunch. Please start with coffee at “Poernama Coffee Shop” and show him our products and prepare your presentation.

7.    What should the supervisor prepare?
a.    The logistic division
b.    The product of the company
c.    A list of coffee break menus
d.    A room of coffee break
e.    A program and a presentation

8.    Yanti    : What’s your hobby Nina ?
Nina     : Actually, ……
         Yanti     : How often do you play them in a week ?
         Nina     : At least three times.
a.      I like to play badminton and tennis
b.      One of them is swimming
c.      I prefer golf to tennis
d.      I love jogging
e.      I like play basket ball

9.    Hasan    : …
        Dayat    : Well he usually drives, but today he is taking the bus
a.      When will Mr. John arrive ?
b.      How did Andi arrive at school ?
c.      What time does he leave today ?
d.      How does your father go to the office
e.      Why do I go to there ?

Questions 10 and 11 refer to the following dialogue   

Renata    :  Do you always come home this late?
Sonia      :  Yes, I work night shift at the hospital.
Renata    :  Are you a doctor?
Sonia      :  No. I help the doctors to take care of the patients.

10.  From the dialogue above, we may infer that Sonia .....
a.    Works as a doctor at the hospital
b.    Works as a nurse at the hospital
c.    Is a security guard at the hospital
d.    Is a patient treated at the hospital
e.    Is an employee at the hospital

11.  What is the topic of the dialogue?
a.    Hospital
b.    Friendship
c.    Profession
d.    Dedication
e.    Application

12.  Salma : I telephoned you yesterday afternoon, but you didn’t answer. Where were you?
Albert   : I was in another room when you called. ...... until it was too late
a.    I didn’t hear the phone ringing
b.    I leave my phone silent in my locker
c.    I was accompanying my brother out of town
d.    I am not carrying my mobile phone at this moment
e.    I am accompanying my mother to the hospital

13.  Adam               :  What will you do when you retire?
Danang            :  .... It must be nice to see them grow up and bear fruits.
a.    I purpose to do nothing at home
b.    I will live with my family in a small village
c.    I am going to plant a lot of dragon fruit trees
d.    I plan to play much my favorite sports
e.    I plan to go abroad

14.   Ruth     :  I’ll have a little party to celebrate my birthday tomorrow afternoon. Do you                feel like coming to my party at 3 p.m.?
           Alfin     :   I’d like to, but ...
a.    I have an appointment with dr. Smith in his clinic
b.    You must prepare your birthday party well
c.    You must treat me by eating out
d.    I will give you a special gift
e.    I will come

15.  Ari        : Do you like my new coat ? My father bought it in Singapore.
Lina      : Yes, I like it so much…..
Ari        : Thank you.
a.      You look gorgeous wearing it.
b.      The coat is too small for you
c.      It makes you look older than your age.
d.      It goes well with my shoes
e.      You look pretty wearing it

     The following Announcement is for questions 16 – 18
      To commemorate Kartini Day, our school will have a Talent Competition, that will be held on April 25th 2018. All classes are obliged to send representatives for each competition; Dancing, singing, poetry reading, and traditional costume.
      Registration will be open from April 1st – April 18th at the Student Council room. Free registration and plenty of prizes!
Contact person: Silvia (0851 5634 2278)

16.  The announcement is written to ......
a.    Give information about the winner
b.    Remind the students about Kartini Day
c.    Register the students about the competition
d.    Inform the students about the competition
e.    Contact Silvia

17.  “To commemorate Kartini Day, ....” (Line 1)
The word “commemorate” has the same meaning as ....
a.    Receive
b.    Welcome
c.    Celebrate
d.    Appreciate
e.    Invite

 The following announcement is for question 18
Ladies and gentlement, welcome to the Airlangga train. We hope you enjoy your 9 hour journey to Malang. If you need our services, please ask our crew team. For your safety and comfort, the train operates a nonsmoking policy. Please do not leave your belongings unattended. Ticket checks are in operation so please have your tickets available for inspection. Have a nice journey. Thank you.

18.  The purpose of the announcement is to inform us ....
a.      How to travel to Malang by train
b.      How to leave for Malang comfortable
c.      What to do before getting on the train
d.      What to do after getting on the train
e.      What to do during the train journey

      The following text is for questions 19 – 21
The Sasak are the indigenous people of Lombok island, West Nusa Tenggara. They are greatly influenced by Balinese culture. It can be seen in the language, dance, or music. However, the majority of Sasak people are Moslem.
      The men make a living by farming and sailing for fish while the women traditionally weave at home. The weaving of Sasak women is very bfamous for its beautiful colors and patterns. A lot of people admire ikat and songket made by the Sasak Women.
      The’   uniqueness of the Sasak tribe is that the floors of their houses come from a mixture of soil with  cow droppings. It is believed the cow droppings can keep the house warm, protect them from mosquitoes, and help tp drive evil spirits away.

19.  According to the text, we know that ...
a.    The house of the Sasak is a common type
b.    The men earn money by becoming farmers
c.    The women weave cloth far away from home
d.    The majority of people in Lombok Island are Balinese
e.    A lot of people admire ikat and songket

Questions 20 to 22 refer to the following text.
To           : All staff members
From     : Eric Sato, office manager

                I know you will all be pleased to learn that the new photocopy machine has finally arrived. The new machine has more features and performs more functions than the old one. While this will make things more convenient for us in the long run, it can make it more complicated to learn how to operate the machine initially. In addition, we all want to avoid the problem of constant breakdowns that we had with the old machine. Therefore, if you have any problems with the machine, please ask my assistant, Ms. Ono, to help you. Similarly, please do not attempt to remove paper jams, add toner, or refill the paper bin until Ms. Ono has shown you how to do this. Ms. Ono has received training from the manufacturer of the machine and is fully knowledgeable about how to run it and how to troubleshoot it. Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy the new machine

20.  What is the purpose of the text?
a.       To inform the staff that the old machine is broken.
b.       To tell the staff about the new photocopy machine.
c.       To let the staff know that Ms Ono will receive training.
d.       To explain to the staff how to run a photocopy machine.        

21.  What should the staff members do if they have difficulties with the machine?
a.    Speak to Ms. Ono.
b.    Call the manufacturer.
c.    Read the training manual.
d.    Ask the office manager for assistance.  
22.  “... is fully knowledgeable about how ...” (2nd last sentence of the paragraph)
           The underlined word is closest meaning to ....
a.   complicated
b.   competent
c.   interested
d.   pleased

23.  Arini     :  You look so sad. How was your English test?
      Reno   :  It’s too bad. I got three. I’m afraid to tell it to my parents.
      Arini     : I’m so sorry to hear that.....,I would turn off my cell phone in my learning time. 
      Reno   :  That’s right. Handphone makes me forget studying.
a.    If I am in a good health
b.    If I had a second change
c.    If you were busy
d.    If I were you
e.    If you were me

24.  X          :  Your drawing was very good.
      Y          :  I could have done better If I ..... more time
a.    have had
b.    had
c.    had had
d.    will have had
e.    would have

25.  X   :  You look tired. Why don’t you take a rest?
      Y    :  I wish ... I still have to finish this report.
a.    I would to able
b.    I can
c.    I will be able
d.    I could
e.    I had been able

The following text is for questions 26 – 28
There are many ways to download YouTube videos. Here are some easy ways to do it:
1.    Firstly, open the YouTube video that you are going to download via browser. Don’t use Youtube App on an android phone.
2.    Secondly, add “ss” to the video url that you are goingv to download.
3.    Thirdly, you will be directed to a page to download it.
4.    Fourthly, choose the format that you want, MP3, MP4, or other.
After selecting your format, the video that you choose will be downloaded automatically

26.  What should we do before the video is autoimatically downloaded?
a.    Select the format we want
b.    Add “ss” to the video url
c.    Direct to a page to download
d.    Download MP3, MP4, or other
e.    Watch the YouTube

27.  What is the topic of the text?
a.    How to open YouTube via browser
b.    How to make a YouTube video easily
c.    How to use android to open YouTube
d.    How to download YouTube videos easily
e.    How to watch YouTube

28.  What is language feature of the text?
a.    Passive voice
b.    Simple Past Tense
c.    Imperative sentence
d.    Simple Future Tense
e.    Reported Speech

     The following letter is for questions 29 – 31
Mr. Johan Bright,
HR Manager
ABC 12 Company Ltd,
Jakarta, 17430

        Dear Mr. Bright,
        According to your advertisement in Last Friday’s Erlangga newspapper for a sales executive vacancy, I would like to apply for that position. As requested, I have attached my complete resume and my recent photograph.
        I am interested in the job and I believe that I fulfill the qualifications for the job. I graduated from the marketing depaetement at a reputable university. I have two years’ work experience as a sales executive in an international marketing company, so I have good communication skills in English, both oral and written. I am also skilful in operating computers.
        If you wish to give me a chance to discuss further my past experience and skills, I can be contacted at the following email address endrew@gmailcom or phone at 08111665243. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your considertaion.
Best Regards,


29.  Why is the application interested in the position?
a.    He read an advertisement
b.    He has two years experience
c.    He has the qualifications for the job
d.    He masters oral and written English
e.    He has skill

30.  What is the topic of the text?
a.    Information to apply for a job
b.    A sales executive position
c.    An advertisement in Erlangga newspaper
d.    An application letter for  sales executive position
e.    An invitation
Questions 31 to 33 refer to the following text.
Medical sales representatives (widely referred to as ‘reps’) are a key link between medical and pharmaceutical companies and health- care professionals.

They sell their company’s products, which include medicines, prescription drugs and medical equipment, to a variety of customers including GPs and hospital doctors, pharmacists, and nurses. They work strategically to increase the awareness and use of their company’s pharmaceutical and medical products.

Medical sales reps are usually based in a specific geographical location and specialize in a particular product or medical area. They may make presentations and organize group events for healthcare professionals, as well as working with contacts on a one-to-one basis.

31.  What is the text about?
a.    The products of Medical sales rep.
b.    The main job of Medical Sales rep.
c.    The medical equipment rep.
d.    The pharmaceutical products.
32.  According to the text, what does a variety of customers include?
a.    Midwives.
b.    Pharmacists.
c.    Professionals.
d.    Patients.
33.     “They may make presentations and organize group events for healthcare professionals,”
The underlined word is best replaced with....
a.   occasions
b.   reunions
c.   experiences
d.   celebrations

    The following letter is for question 35 – 37
Dear Sir,
Out Order Ex/4422
We regret to inform you that one of the cases of your consignment arrived in badly damaged condition. It is BF746 containing 100 dozen onset. The lid was broken and the case with irs contents crushed. It looks as if some very cargo had fallen on it. We have exmined the boxes and find that about 46 dozen are in an suitable condition. We pointed out the damage when taking delivery and have endorsed our receipt I case severelydamaged. We assume that you are taking the matter up from your end as insurance had been affected hy you.

Your faithfully,


Amelia Wardana

34.  From the text, we know that the applicant ....
a.    Will be interviewed soon
b.    Is smart and has multi – skills
c.    Needs the job as soon as possible
d.    Meets the requirements for the position
e.    Is a sales executive

35.  The letter is called ....
a.    Letter of complaint
b.    Letter of order
c.    Application letter
d.    Collection letter
e.    Invitation letter

36.  Why did the writer send the letter?
a.    To insurance the order
b.    To order several kinds of products
c.    To complaint that a part of the order was damaged
d.    To inform that the order has arrrived
e.    To order products

Questions 37 to 39  refer to the following text.
Don’t let all the cautions listed here turn you off the idea of checking your vehicle’s battery. It is easy to check your battery. Just locate it and follow these steps :
  1. Clean off powdery deposits on the positive and negative terminals.
The deposits that form in lovely colors on the top of your terminals are made by battery acid. Before you clean it, remove the cables (negative first) from both terminals by undoing the nut on each cable clamp and wiggling the cable until the clamp comes off the terminal post.
  1. Dry everything with a clean, disposable, lint-free rag. Try to avoid getting the powdery stuff on your hands or clothes. If you do, wash it off with water right away.
  2. Reconnect the terminals to the battery, replacing the positive cable first and the negative cable last.
  3. Examine the battery cables and clamps to see whether they are frayed or corroded.
Check the battery case and the terminals.             
37.  What is the main topic of the text?
a.    How to turn your battery off.
b.    A procedure to check a battery.
c.    A description of someone’s battery.
d.    Checking a battery case and terminals.

38.  What will you do if powdery stuff from a battery stains your hands?
a.    Dry your hands.
b.    Replace the battery.
c.    Disconnect the battery.
d.    Wash it off with water.

39.  “Before you clean it, remove the cables …”
The underlined word refers to …
a.   the battery acid
b.   the lovely color
c.   the terminal
d.   the cable

40.  Fill in the incomplete paragraph with suitable words!.
PT Citra Nusantara Media Tbk, or CNM, operates 4 of Indonesia’s 11 free-to-air (FTA) TV stations and has additional core businesses in television content production and delivery. The company  was ... on August 17, 1995, and has been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) since August 22, 2004
a.    founded
b.    abolished
c.    owned
d.    produced

I.       Essay

1.  Read this text and answer the question!

All staffs who will apply for an annual leave for 2 days or more need to file a leave form which is available in the Personnel Department Office or contact Ms. Erika Suharso for assistance. The form has to be submitted a week before the leave. When it is approved by the unit manager, the paid leave will be applied automatically.

Thank you
Mr. Kardiman Sefyadi
Personnel Manager
We can conclude from the text that the staffs can take their 2-days annual leave after ....
Answer    :

2.  Answer the question using the correct preference forms!
Aulia   :  Which one do you like, listening to music or reading a newspaper?
                            Budi    :  ....

3.  Complete the following dialogue with the most correct order of the adjectives in brackets.
Julia     :  How was your vacation in Bali? Did you go to Sukawati?
Marta   :  Yes, I bought . . . . (wooden-small-some-unique-Balinese)
Julia     :  Interesting! Did you buy  one for me?

4.  Write the fact of the following Conditional Sentence!
1.    If the doctor didn’t operate him as soon as possible, he would passed away
2.    If he didn;t invite his friends, they wouldn’t come to his party
3.    They would have lost the way if they had’nt known my address

Arrange the following sentences into correct order how to take pictures using a digital camera!
1.    After the camera sets the focus, hold the shutter halfway
2.    Last, press the shutter all the way down and you will get your picture
3.    Here are some steps to take pictures using a digital camera
4.    A light should appear so that you know the camera is ready to use
5.    First, hold up the camera and adjust the object in the center of the LCD by using the zoom control

5.  Complete the following dialogue with the most correct form of the verb in brackets.
Luciana           : Our English teacher received an award as ‘Best Teacher’ in 2018
Marcella          : Yes, I .... (read) the news in PIKIRAN RAKYAT two days ago
Luciana           : She deserved that award. She always teaches us enthusiastically.

Kunci Jawaban Soal USBN Bahasa Inggris 2019 SMK



Kunci Jawaban
Filling a leave from
Which is aviable in the personal departement office and then submitting a week before the leave
some unique small Balinese wooden
1.    The doctor operates him soon, he didn’t pass away
2.    He invites his friends, they came to the party
3.    They knew the address so they wouldn,t lost the way


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