Kumpulan Contoh Soal Materi Causative Bahasa Inggris SMA Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya

Soal Bahasa Inggris Materi Causative dan Pembahasannya
1. Since her writing is very bad, we will have her _______ her composition.
A. types
B. typed
C. typing
D. type
E. to type

Kata kerja bentuk infinitive digunakan sesudah objek aktif.
Jawaban : D

2. 'Mr. Ramli asked his son to drive him to the office.
We can also say that'______ to the office.'
A. Mr. Ramli drove his son
B. Mr. Ramli had his son drive him
C. Mr. Ramli has to drive his son
D. Mr. Ramli’s had driven him
E. Mr. Ramli had to drive his son

Kata kerja have, has, had bisa berarti menyuruh (ask) jika digunakan dalam pola kalimat have + O + V.
Jawaban : B

Soal Bahasa Inggris Materi Causative dan Pembahasannya  Kumpulan Contoh Soal Materi Causative Bahasa Inggris SMA Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya

3. Tom felt that his eye sight was getting worse; therefore, he ____'.
A. has examined his eyes
B. was examining his eyes
C. had been examining his eyes
D. examined his eyes
E. had his eyes examined

Ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi pernyataan diatas adalah 'dia menyuruh matanya diperiksa’ (he had his eyes examined)
Jawaban : E

4. ’Now that she has grown up, my niece has her old dresses lengthened.'
That means that _____.
A. my niece has lengthened her old dresses
B. my niece asked someone to lengthen her old dresses
C. my niece has to lengthen her old dresses herself
D. my niece has been told to lengthen her old dresses
E. my niece has been asked by someone to lengthen

Kata has dalam ’my niece has her old dresses lengthened’ berarti menyuruh karena pola kalimatnya adalah has + O +V.
Jawaban : B

5. I don’t know how to arranqe these flowers.
I'd rather ____.
A. do it
B. have to do it
C. have it done
D. it has been done
E. have done it

Karena saya tidak tahu bagaimana merangkai bunga-bunga itu, saya lebih suka menyuruh bunga itu dirangkai (oleh orang Iain). Pola kalimatnya adalah have + O + V.
Jawaban : C

6. The curtains are dirty; we ____ at the dry cleaner’s.
A. must have washed them
B. have washed them
C. must have them washed
D. are washing them
E. washinq them

Keterangan 'at the dry cleaner’s’ (ditukang cuci) menunjukkan bahwa kita tidak mencucinya sendiri. Pola kalimatnya adalah have + O + V.
Jawaban : C

7. We are going on a long trip, so we must _____.
A. have checked the car
B. have had the car checked
C. to have the car checked
D. have the car checked
E. had the car checked

Ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi penyataan diatas adalah 'kita harus menyuruh mobil itu diperiksa’.
Jawaban : D

8. 'Jane had her father contact his lawyer.’ This sentence means _____.
A. Jane and her father are contacting his lawyer
B. Jane asked her father to contact his lawyer
C. the lawyer contacted Jane's father
D. Jane's father was contacted by the lawyer
E. Jane is contacting her father's lawyer

Kata had pada 'Jane had her father contact his lawyer'berarti menyuruh.
Jawaban : B

9. As he hates shopping, he always has ____ .
A. someone had done it
B. done it for someone
C. has been asked to do it
D. someone do it
E. to do it for someone

Dari ungkapan 'Karena dia tidak suka berbelanja, dia selalu menyuruh orang lain melakukannya'.
Jawaban : D

10. 'What a lovely evening gown you're wearing! Did you make it yourself?’
'No, I _____:'
A. to be made
B. had it made
C. had to make it
D. had made it
E. having made it

Pembahasan :
Jawaban 'tidak' (no) menunjukkan bahwa gaun yang bagus itu tidak dibuat sendiri, melainkan dia menyuruh orang lain membuatnya. Karena ada penanda bentuk Iampau (did), pola kalimatnya adalah had + O +V.
Jawaban : B

11. 'Andi, will you close the window, please? I am busy right now.’
’I’m busy myself, but I _____ anyhow.’
A. will close them
B. will have to close them
C. will have them closed
D. will ask you to close them
E. will have close them

Jawaban Andi, 'I'm busy myself' (Saya sendiri juga sibuk) berarti dia akan menyuruh orang lain yang menutup jendela itu.
Jawaban : C

12. Ati had beautiful plants in her garden but they all seem to be dying. I'm sure that she ______.
A. seldom has them watered
B. has asked somebody to water them
C. never has to water them
D. has been watering them
E. has alwavs watered them

Pembahasan :
Karena tanamannya terlihat layu (seem to dying) berarti dla jarang menyuruh tanaman itu disirami.
Jawaban : A

13. don’t have much time to do all my household work, so I always ___.
A. help somebody
B. have helped somebody
C. have to help somebody
D. have somebody helped me
E. to have me help somebody

Pembahasan :
Ungkapan 'Saya tidak memiliki banyak waktu untuk menyelesaikan seluruh pekerjaan rumah, jadi saya selalu menyuruh seorang membantu saya'.
Jawaban : D

14. The school master had the students ____. their lesson before the exam.
A. to review
B. reviewing
C. review
D. reviewed
E. they review

Pembahasan :
'Kepala sekolah menyuruh para siswa mempelajari Iagi pelajaran mereka sebelum ujian’. Kata kerja setelah has/have/had yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan objek aktif adalah bentuk infinitive.
Jawaban : C

15. 'I can't read this letter. I don't understand French at all.’
'i don't either, but let's.
A. translate it
B. have it translated
C. to translate it
D. have translated it
E. have to translate

Pembahasan :
Karena keduanya tidak bisa berbahasa
Prancis sama sekali, mereka menyuruh orang lain menerjemahkan surat itu.
Jawaban : B

16. Anwar : Look, the grass need cutting.
Broto :That’s true. I've been very busy lately. But I will havg it mown.
A. Anwar and Broto will mow the grass
B. Broto will ask Anwar to mow the grass
C. Broto will ask someone to mow the grass
D. Broto will mow the grass for Anwar
E. Broto himself mow the grass

Pembahasan :
Bagian pernyataaan yang digaris bawahi (saya akan menyuruh rumput itu dipotong)
berarti Broto menyuruh orang lain memotong rumput itu.
Jawaban : C

17. 'After l fmished my article, I had it This means that ______.
A. I had edited my article
B. my article would be edited
C. somebody edited my article
D. l was asked to edit my article
E. I had to edit my article myself

Kata had dalam kata had it edited menyuruh.
Jawaban : C

18. Mr. Bill: Have you sent all the spare-parts? Marketing manager: Yes, Sir. l ____ last Monday. The distributor did it.
A. send them
B. had them sent
C. will send him
D. have sent them
E. will qet them sent

dari dialog diatas dapat diketahui bahwa yang mengirimkan sparepars adalah distributor (the distributor did it). lne berarti marketing manager hanya menyuruh dan bukan mengirimkannya sendiri. Pilihan E tidak tepat karena berarti baru akan menyuruh.
Jawaban : B

19. 'I fixed the light in the bathroom yesterday, but it went out again today.’
'Why don’t you have an electrician ____ it.’
A. checking
B. checked
C. to check
D. check
E. checks

kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan objek aktif setelah has, had, have adalah inhnitive (V1)

20. I couldn't carry all the groceries, so __ in stead.
A. I had to deliver them
B. I had them delivered
C. I had delivered them
D. I had delivering
E. I had been asked to deliver

Pembahasan :
Ungkapan yang tepat ’Saya tidak bisa membawa seluruh barang itu, jadi saya menyuruh barang tersebut dikirimkan!
Jawaban :B

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