20 Contoh Soal Conditional Sentence Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya

Contoh Soal Conditional Sentence Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya
1. We would not lost our bag it we _____ in
the hotel.
A. left
B. have left
C. had left
D. would leave
E. would have left
Predikat pada induk kalimat (would have lost) menunjukkan kalimat pengandaian tipe tiga, sehingga kata kerja pada anak kaIimatnya (if clause) adalah had + v3/been.
Jawaban : C
2. 'I'm sorry our basketball team has lost.’
A. You wouldn't if you trained harder
B. You won’t if you train harder .
C. You wouldn't if you would train harder
D. You wouldn't have if you had trained harder
E. You don't if you have trained harder
Faktanya menunjukkan bahwa kejadian telah berlangsung. Kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan adalah tipe 3. Kata kerja pada main clause would have +v3/been dan kata kerja pada if clause had + had + v3.
Jawaban : D

Contoh Soal Conditional Sentence Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya 20 Contoh Soal Conditional Sentence Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya

3. 'Did you buy the computer?'
'No, I would have if my father _____.'
A. had given me the money
B. would give me the money
C. would have given me the money
D. gave me the money
E. was given me the monev
Pernyataan 'Did you …?' berarti menanyakan peristiwa waktu lampau. Kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan adalah tipe ke tiga. lf clause had +v3/been.
Jawaban : A

4. Thank you for reminding me to send my application forms. _____.
A. I wouldn't miss the deadline if you reminded me
B. lwouldn't have missed the deadline if you had reminded me
C. I will miss the deadline if you don’t remind me
D. l would have missed the deadline l you hadn't reminded me
E. Had you reminded me, I would
Faktanya menunjukkan bahwa kejadiannya telah berlangsung. Kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan adalah tipe tiga. Kata kerja pada main clause: would have+v3/been, dan kata kerja pada if clause: had+v3/been. Fakta berlawanan dengan kalimat pengandaiannya.
Jawaban : D

5. ‘Do you know that Tanto had withdrawn his money from the ba‘nkjust before it was liquidated?’
’Oh yes, otherwise he _____ a great deal.’
A. lost
B. would lose
C. has lost
D. had lost
E. would have lost

Faktanya menunjukkan bahwa kejadiannya telah berlangsung. Kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan adalah tipe tiga. Kata kerja pada main clause: would have+v3/been, dan kata kerja pada if clause: had+v3/been. Fakta berlawanan dengan kalimat pengandaiannya. 
Jawaban : E 

6. My younger brother thinks that everybody can become an astronaut. He often asks himself. ”What __ ifl were an astronaut?” 
A. do I do 
B. will I do 
C. would I do 
D. am I doing 
E. am I going to do
Predikat pada if clause (were) menunjukkan kalimat pengandaian bentuk kedua. Kata kerja pada main clause would + v1/be. 
Jawaban : C

7. If it were not for your education, you ____
such a good position. 
A. will not have 
B. have not had 
C. did not have 
D. would not have 
E. had not had 

Pembahasan :
Predikat pada if clause (were) menunjuk_ kan kalimat pengandaian bentuk kedua. Kata kerja pada main clause would + v1/be. 
Jawaban : D 

8. Had I realize that Tim was a bad driver, I ____ my car. 
A. would not lend him 
B. did not lend him 
C. will not lend him 
D. had not lend him 
E. would not have lend him

Pembahasan :
Predikat pada if clause (Had I realize = If had realize) menunjukkan kalimat pengandaian tipe tiga. Kata kerja pada main claise had +v3/been. 
Jawaban : E 

9. ’Are you going to join the students exchange program?' 
'I don't think so, I’m not interested: 'If I were you, I __ for it.’ 
A. apply 
B. will apply 
C. would apply 
D. applied 
E. had applied
Predikat pada if clause (were) menunjukkan kalimat pengandaian bentuk kedua. Kata kerja pada main clause would +v1/be. 
Jawaban : C 

10. If I work harder, I __ my paper in due time. 
A. will finish 
B. would finish 
C. has Hnish 
D. will be f1nishing 
E. will have finished 

Pembahasan :
Predikat pada if clause (work) menunjukkan kalimat pengandaian bentuk satu. Kata kerja pada main clause will + v1/be
Jawaban : A

11. I deposited all my idle money in the bank; if not, I _____ it on things I did not real)’ need.
A. will spend 
B. am going to spend 
C. could spend 
D. am spend 
E. would have spent 

Pembahasan :
Faktanya (deposited) menunjukkan bahwa kejadiannya telah berlangsung. Kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan adalah tipe tiga. Kata kerja pada main clause: would have+v3/been, dan kata kerja pada if clause: had+v3/been. Fakta berlawanan dengan kalimat pengandaiannya. 
Jawaban : E

12. 'John had withdrawn all his money because he needed it for his father’s operation.'
'______ if his father's health hadn't been in 
such bad condition.'
A. He would not take all his money 
B. He should take all his money 
C. He did not take all his money 
D. He must have taken all his money 
E. He wouldn’t have taken all his money 

Kata kerja if clause (hadn’t been) menunjukkan kalimat pengandaian tipe tiga. Kata kerja main clause (would have + v3/been). 
Jawaban : E 

13. Why don’t you plan to resign from your 
'Well, if the company _____ me more I would not quit my job.’ 
A. has paid 
B. paid 
C. is paying 
D. will pay 
E. will have paid 

Predikat pada induk kalimat (would not quit) menunjukkan kalimat pengandaian tipe kedua. Kata kerja pada anak kalimatnya adalah v2. 
Jawaban : B

14. Had he handed in the application letter 
earlier, he _____ last week! 
A. would be allowed tojoin interview test 
B. was being allowed to join interview test 
C. would have been allowed to join interview test 
D. he will have been allowed to join interview test 
E. he was allowed to join interview test 

Predikat pada if clause (Had he handed in the application letter earlier = IF he handed in the application letter earlier) menunjukkan kalimat pengandaian tipe tiga. Kata kerja pada anak kalimatnya adalah would have v3/been. 
Jawaban : C

15. ’How was your test?’ 
’Not very good. I ___ much better if I had not misread the directions for the last section.’ 
A. might do 
B. must have done 
C. should do 
D. could have done 
E. would do 

Kata kerja if clause (had not misread) menunjukkan kalimat pengandaian tipe tiga. Kata kerja main clause (would have + v3/been). 
Jawaban : D

16. 'Did Paul get his work done?' 
'He _____ if his computer had not broken down.’ 
A. could 
B. could be 
C. could not 
D. could have 
E. could not have 

Pembahasan :
Kata kerja if clause (had not broken) menunjukkan kalimat pengandaian tipe tiga. Kata kerja main clause (would have + v3/been). 
Jawaban : D

17. ___ about your urgent appointment with the doctor, I could have lent you my car. 
A. If you had told me 
B. Had you told me 
C. Unless you tell me 
D. Only if you tell me 
E. Even if vou tell me 

Pembahasan :
Kata kerja pada main clause (could have lent) menunjukkan kalimat pengandaian tipe tiga. 
Jawaban : B 

18. Many people could have been rescued from the landslide if immediate help had arrived. From the above statement we may conclude that ______ . 
A. a rescue team came immediately to help the victim 
B. a lot of people died because of the landslide 
C. the landslide did not harm anyone 
D. many people rescued themselves from the landslide 
E. it wasjust a minor landslide 

Pembahasan :
Kalimat pengandaian dan faktanya selalu berlawanan. Jika dikatakan 'banyak orang bisa diselamatkan' maka kenyataannya 'sedikit orang bisa diselamatkan'.
Jawaban : B 

19. They climbed higher so that they got a better view.
We can also say: ______
A. If they had not climbed higher, they would not have got a better view 
B. If they didn't climb higher, they wouldn’t get a better view 
C. If they didn’t climb higher, they didn't get a better view 
D. If they don't climb higher, they won't get a better view 
E. If they won’t climb higher, they don’t get a better view 

Faktanya (climbed) menunjukkan bahwa kejadiannya telah berlangsung pada waktu lampau. Kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan adalah tipe tiga. Kata kerja pada main clause: would have+v3/been, dan kata kerja pada if clause: had+v3/been. Fakta berlawanan dengan kalimat pengandaiannya.
Jawaban : A 

20. ’lf the company's personnel department had mailed the letter earlier, I would not have been too late for the interview.'
We may conclude that ______ . 
A. I did not want to be interviewed 
B. the company did not send the letter 
C. I went through the interview 
D. the letter came too early 
E. I missed the interview 

Kalimat pengandaian dan faktanya selalu berlawanan. Dari pernyataaan diatas dapat diketahui bahwa kenyataan bagian personalia terlambat mengirim surat sehingga saya tidak bisa mengikuti wawancara
Jawaban : E

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