3 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Sick dan Terjemahannya
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
iTapuih.com - 3 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang "Sick" dan Terjemahannya. Conversation adalah suatu bentuk pertukaran informasi atau gagasan dari satu orang kepada orang lain. Conversation merupakan percakapan yang dilakukan seseorang kepada orang lain untuk membahas sesuatu hal yang dianggap penting atau tidak penting sekalipun. Bisa dilakukan oleh 2 orang atau lebih dalam suatu kelompok atau pertemuan. Kali ini saya akan membagikan beberapa contoh conversation (percakapan) yang bisa kita gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, khususnya percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang penyakit "Sick" berikut ini beberapa contoh percakapan tersebut beserta terjemahannya.
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A Stomachache
Nindy: You don't look so good.
Bram: I have a major stomachache
Nindy: Did you eat something strange?
Bram: I had spaghetti with clam sauce for lunch.
Nindy: Maybe you have food poisoning.
Bram: Yes, that could have been it, but I haven't been feeling that great for the past few days.
Nindy: Are you under a lot of stress?
Bram: Not really. Things have been going OK.
Nindy: Maybe you have a touch of the flu.
Bram: I think that I might be getting the flu.
Bram: I have a major stomachache
Bram: I had spaghetti with clam sauce for lunch.
Nindy: Maybe you have food poisoning.
Bram: Yes, that could have been it, but I haven't been feeling that great for the past few days.
Nindy: Are you under a lot of stress?
Bram: Not really. Things have been going OK.
Bram: I think that I might be getting the flu.
Sakit Perut
Nindy: Kamu tidak terlihat sehat. Bram: Saya sakit perut. Nindy: Apakah kamu makan sesuatu yang aneh? Bram: Saya makan spaghetti dengan saus kerang untuk makan siang. Nindy: Mungkin kamu keracunan makanan. Bram: Ya, itu bisa saja, tapi saya belum pernah merasa seperti ini selama beberapa hari terakhir. Nindy: Apakah Anda stres? Bram: Tidak juga. Semuanya berjalan baik. Nindy: Mungkin Anda memiliki terkena flu. Bram: Saya pikir saya mungkin terkena flu. |
A Toothache
Nindy: What can I do for you today?
Bram: Doctor, I have the worst toothache!
Nindy: How long have you had this pain?
Bram: For about a week or so, but it's gotten really bad in the last couple of days.
Nindy: Did you do anything that might have aggravated your tooth?
Bram: You know, I was eating jawbreakers in the movies the other day, and I accidentally bit down really hard on one.
Nindy: What kind of toothbrush do you use?
Bram: I just use a regular hard bristle toothbrush.
Nindy: Does it bother you when you eat something really cold?
Bram: Yes, it definitely bothers me more when I do that.
Bram: Doctor, I have the worst toothache!
Nindy: How long have you had this pain?
Bram: For about a week or so, but it's gotten really bad in the last couple of days.
Nindy: Did you do anything that might have aggravated your tooth?
Bram: You know, I was eating jawbreakers in the movies the other day, and I accidentally bit down really hard on one.
Nindy: What kind of toothbrush do you use?
Bram: I just use a regular hard bristle toothbrush.
Nindy: Does it bother you when you eat something really cold?
Bram: Yes, it definitely bothers me more when I do that.
Sakit Gigi
Nindy: Apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk Anda hari ini? Bram: Dokter, saya merasa sakit gigi yang paling buruk! Nindy: Sudah berapa lama Anda merasakan sakit ini? Bram: Selama sekitar satu minggu atau lebih, tapi itu menjadi sangat buruk dalam beberapa hari terakhir. Nindy: Apakah Anda melakukan sesuatu yang dapat memperburuk gigi Anda? Bram: Kau tahu, aku sedang makan jawbreaker di bioskop beberapa waktu yang lalu, dan aku tidak sengaja menggigitnya dengan keras. Nindy: Apa jenis sikat gigi yang Anda gunakan? Bram: Saya hanya menggunakan sikat gigi biasa yang keras. Nindy: Apakah itu mengganggu Anda ketika Anda makan sesuatu yang sangat dingin? Bram: Ya, itu benar-benar mengganggu saya ketika saya melakukan itu. |
Having a Cold
Nindy: How are you feeling today?
Bram: I have a terrible cold!
Nindy: Where do you think you picked that up?
Bram: A lot of people in my gym have it. Maybe I got it from the equipment.
Nindy: Have you taken anything for it?
Bram: I think that I am just going to rest and drink plenty of liquids for a while.
Nindy: Yes, staying rested and hydrated is really important.
Bram: My mother also has this special potion with hot wine, cayenne pepper, and sugar that works miracles.
Nindy: You might want to ask the pharmacist for his suggestions if you get any worse.
Bram: Yes, if my symptoms don't pass in a few days, I will ask for help.
Bram: I have a terrible cold!
Nindy: Where do you think you picked that up?
Bram: A lot of people in my gym have it. Maybe I got it from the equipment.
Nindy: Have you taken anything for it?
Bram: I think that I am just going to rest and drink plenty of liquids for a while.
Nindy: Yes, staying rested and hydrated is really important.
Bram: My mother also has this special potion with hot wine, cayenne pepper, and sugar that works miracles.
Nindy: You might want to ask the pharmacist for his suggestions if you get any worse.
Bram: Yes, if my symptoms don't pass in a few days, I will ask for help.
Nindy: Bagaimana keadaanmu hari ini? Bram: Saya mengalami demam yang mengerikan! Nindy: Di mana kira-kira Anda mendapatkannya? Bram: Banyak orang di gym ketika itu. Mungkin saya mendapatkannya dari peralatan disana. Nindy: Sudahkah Anda mengambil tindakan untuk itu? Bram: Saya pikir saya hanya akan beristirahat dan minum banyak cairan untuk sementara waktu. Nindy: Ya, istirahatlah dan terhidrasi sangatlah penting. Bram: Ibuku juga memiliki ramuan spesial dengan anggur panas, cabe rawit, dan gula yang bisa membuat keajaiban. Nindy: Anda mungkin ingin meminta apoteker untuk sarannya jika keadaan Anda menjadi lebih buruk. Bram: Ya, jika gejala saya tidak berlalu dalam beberapa hari, saya akan meminta bantuan. |
Sumber https://www.itapuih.com/