98% Of Indonesian Consumers Agree, Location More Important Than Property Price

Based on the survey results Rumah.com Property Affordability Sentiment Index in 2016, 98% of consumers in Indonesia put the location of the property as an important factor in the selection of occupancy. In addition the property seekers in Indonesia considers environmental safety as well as one of the important factors in considering the purchase of a new home or a new apartment . 

Currently in Indonesia, the majority of home seekers are those who are first time home buyers, including a new family. Not surprisingly, they will prioritize housing near good schools, childcare places, to self-service. "So if a residential location close to the favorite schools, most likely home prices there would be boosted," said Wasudewan, Country Manager Rumah.com .
And the following 10 main factors to be considered in choosing a residential property search:

Location 98%
Security environment 87%
Access to public transport 81%
Infrastructure and facilities for around 77%
Price per square meter 72%
The building area of ​​71%
Design and construction of 64%
Amenities within the property 63%
Area development plan 57%
Readiness for occupancy 56%

Important note, a prospective location of the property could be said if it has a good infrastructure, close to public facilities, and other public facilities. Therefore, no doubt that the potential rise in property prices will also be higher. The first feature of the prospective locations are inflows greater than the current location to the outside. That is, demographically the region remains a destination of human currents, which automatically also the flow of goods. 
In other words, the site became one of the many options for people to rely.


The second feature, the location has good access to the city center, an area where the urban activities (urban activities), such as the CBD area (in Jakarta called the golden triangle), trading area, the business district and entertainment district (entertainment area). Downtown conforming name- must always be close to the capital city. In a downtown, there can be more than one center of growth (growth center).  The third feature, the location of the property is in the area or the selection of the most desirable-both consumers and investors. Regions like this are generally a preferred location middle to upper income people and has a large capital gain. A fourth feature, prospective locations in the category sunrise property, the property is located in the new and evolving, new and stable region, and a modern area of ​​the newly rehabilitated.

Sumber https://www.pgrionline.com/

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