Expressing Annoyance Beserta Contoh Soal Terlengkap - Expressing Annoyance Beserta Contoh Soal Terlengkap. Expressing Annoyance adalah cara mengungkapkan rasa kesal kita pada seseorang / sesuatu hal yang membuat kita merasa terganggu oleh seseorang / sesuatu hal tersebut. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang berbagai macam expression yang bisa digunakan ketika kita ingin mengungkapkan rasa kesal terhadap apa yang kita alami. Ungkapan rasa kesal tersebut bisa terlihat melalui sikap, ekspresi wajah dan kata-kata yang diucapkan. Untuk setiap situasi tersebut saya juga akan membagikan beberapa dialogue yang bisa digunakan sebagai acuan dalam memahami penggunaan expression tersebut.

Expressing Annoyance

I'm annoyed
I had enough with it
I can’t stand it
I can’t bear it any longer
I'm fed up with it
You made me annoyed
You are such pain in the neck
You made me sick
I’m extremely displeased with… very irritating
I’m extremely unhappy about this
..really makes me mad
I cannot stand…
Why on earth he didn’t…?

Responding Annoyance

I know what you mean
Oh, sorry about it/that
Be calm
Don’t worry

Bryan: Have you finished the group project last week?
Ronald: I have done by myself.
Bryan: Where is the others?
Ronald: Goerge can't come because he ccompanied his mother to hospital, while Jack should take a rest due to illness.
Bryan: What? So, you do it by yourself.
Ronald: How lucky! I could finish it on time.
Bryan: You know... I saw George and Jack at CeepluxNet last night.
Ronald: Are you sure?
Bryan: I'm sure? I saw them. I thought they were playing game online.
Ronald: But they said that they can not come because ....
Bryan: You were lied by them.
Ronald: I am annoyed, I can’t bear it any longer. It’s over.

Bryan: Apakah kamu sudah selesai tugas kelompok minggu lalu?
Ronald: Saya telah melakukan sendiri.
Bryan: Dimana yang lainnya?
Ronald: Goerge tidak bisa datang karena ia menemani ibunya ke rumah sakit, sementara Jack harus istirahat karena sakit.
Bryan: Apa? Jadi, kamu mengerjakannya sendiri.
Ronald: Betapa beruntungnya! Aku bisa menyelesaikannya tepat waktu.
Bryan: Kamu tahu ... Saya melihat George dan Jack di CeepluxNet tadi malam.
Ronald: Apakah kamu yakin?
Bryan: Saya yakin? Saya melihat mereka. Saya pikir mereka bermain game online.
Ronald: Tapi mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak bisa datang karena ....
Bryan: Kamu dibohongi oleh mereka.
Ronald: Saya kesal. Saya tidak bisa tahan lagi. Ini sudah berakhir.

Contoh Percakapan 1
Mark: Zizy, what are you doing now?
Zizy: I am cleaning my laptop from viruses.
Mark: Wow, there are so many viruses in your notebook. Using SmadAV to remove them.
Zizy: Yes, I'm annoyed! I am using Avira Antivirus. What is SmadAV?
Mark: SmadAV is used to clean the infected virus on your computer and also fix registry files which is changed by the virus.
Zizy: Is it work?
Mark: Of course, I used smadav to remove shortcut virus permanently.
Mark: Who makes it happen?
Zizy: Rico, he makes me crazy!
Mark: What did he do?
Zizy: He used my laptop last night. Then, he transferred file to my laptop using a infected flash disk.
Mark: He should take a responsibility with this problem.
Zizy: Yes, it should be. I am so disappointing.

Contoh percakapan 2
Rico: Hello Jen, I have something for you.
Jenny: Really! What is that?
Rico: Taraa... This is for you.
Jenny: Arrrggghhh... what did you do? You are crazy.
Rico: Just for having fun.
Jenny: It's not funny. Why you give me the cockroach?
Rico: It is just kidding?
Jenny: But, you know that I don’t like the cockroach. It was not a good joke.
Rico: I’m sorry. I just want to make you happy because you look sad.
Jenny: I don't like it. That is disgusting. You made me annoyed.
Rico: I’m really sorry, Jen.
Jenny: You are very irritating and you really makes me annoy. I'm fed up with you.
Rico: Ok. I will not give you the animal like that!
Jenny: you must fulfill your promise.

Exercise: Answer the following questions!
Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 1 and 2) 
Endy : Hey Naufal ! What are you doing there ?
Naul : I want to sit here !
Endy : Move now! I am watching now. You had block my view.
Naul : Aaaah! Just a minutes!
Endy : Move now! You made me sick.
Naul : Ok. I’m sorry sister ..
1. The underlined expression expresses ....
A. Expressing satisfaction
B. Expressing dissatisfaction
C. Expressing happiness
D. Expressing sadness
E. Expressing annoyance

2. "You had block my view" The underlined word has similar meaning with .... 
A. Hunk
B. Deter
C. Raise
D. Assist
E. Lump

Andy : I have bad news for our class.
Bram : What's going on?
Andy : Miss Jenny didn’t teach us anymore.
Bram : What _____________. She is the best teacher in our school.
Andy : I know, he would move out of town.
3. What is the appropriate response to complete the dialogue?
A. I’m glad to see it
B. I’m happy to hear that
C. I'm really shy
D. I feel fed up with it
E. It makes me ashamed

Indra : I’m really sorry. I’m late to pick you up.
Rany : Make sure this is the last time you are late because You made me annoyed.
Indra : Okay, okay. Forgive me. Are you hungry? Let’s have lunch together.
Rany : No I’m not. Just take me home now.
4. Based on the dialogue above, what kind of expression Rany used?
A. Expression of sadness
B. Expression of like
C. Expression of annoyance
D. Expression of surprise
E. Expression of happiness

Nely : What are you working at?
Liza : My tasks. These tasks are driving me nuts.
Nely : Wow! You have a lot of tasks to be done.
Liza : Yeah. It’s make me sick.
Nely : Come on. You can do it. Let me help you.
Liza : Oh thank you so much.
Nely : Never mind.
5. From the dialogue we know that ...
A. Nely has a lot of tasks
B. Nely happy in doing the tasks
C. Liza is very annoyed with the tasks
D. Liza asking help to Nely
E. Nely and Liza are excited


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