Pembahasan Complaining and Apologizing Pada UN Bahasa Inggris SMK
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Pada latihan soal berikut ini saya ingin membahas mengenai bagaimana mengutarakan complaining and apologizing. Bab ini sangat sering muncul dalam bentuk soal dalam Ujian Nasional bahasa Inggris SMK sehingga sangat penting untuk dikuasai.
Berikut ini adalah ringkasan materi tentang complaining and Apologizing.
Expressions of Complaining
I’m sorry I have to say this, but I think I’ve got a wrong bill.
I’m sorry to bother you, but I think the goods are damaged.
Excuse me, if I’m out of line, but the television in my room is broken.
There may have been a misunderstanding about the problems we discussed last night.
I’m afraid I have to complaint. I didn’t order that good.
Expressions of Apologizing
I’m sorry.
I’m terribly sorry
I’m sorry about that.
Sorry to hear that.
Setelah membaca uraian singkat materi diatas, berikut contoh soal dan pembahasan tentang expressions of complining and apologizing.
Contoh soal dan Pembahasan
Soal No. 1.
Dhika : I’m afraid I have to complain, Tantri. You haven’t returned the book you borrowed last month
Tantri : ______ I will return it soon.
a. I don’t know
b. I’m afraid it’s not me
c. I’m terribly sorry.
d. I didn’t borrow it
Jawaban : c
Pembahasan : ungkapan yang paling tepat menggambarkan situasi diatas adalah I’m terribly sorry. Maka jawabannya adalah c
Soal No. 2
Guest : I’m sorry to say this, I think the air conditioning doesn’t work properly.
Customer service : I’m sorry. I’ll get someone to check it for you.
From the dialogue we know that …
a. The guest is complaning about the bedroom service.
b. The guest is complaining about the air conditioning
c. The guest is angry about the bad service
d. The guest is very disappointed about the situation
Jawaban : b
Pada soal diatas, “the guest” menyatakan komplain kepada customer service tentang AC yang tidak bekerja secara normal, maka jawabannya adalah b.
Berikut ini adalah ringkasan materi tentang complaining and Apologizing.
Expressions of Complaining
I’m sorry to bother you, but I think the goods are damaged.
Excuse me, if I’m out of line, but the television in my room is broken.
There may have been a misunderstanding about the problems we discussed last night.
I’m afraid I have to complaint. I didn’t order that good.
I’m sorry.
I’m terribly sorry
I’m sorry about that.
Sorry to hear that.
Setelah membaca uraian singkat materi diatas, berikut contoh soal dan pembahasan tentang expressions of complining and apologizing.
Contoh soal dan Pembahasan
Soal No. 1.
Dhika : I’m afraid I have to complain, Tantri. You haven’t returned the book you borrowed last month
Tantri : ______ I will return it soon.
a. I don’t know
b. I’m afraid it’s not me
c. I’m terribly sorry.
d. I didn’t borrow it
Jawaban : c
Pembahasan : ungkapan yang paling tepat menggambarkan situasi diatas adalah I’m terribly sorry. Maka jawabannya adalah c
Soal No. 2
Guest : I’m sorry to say this, I think the air conditioning doesn’t work properly.
Customer service : I’m sorry. I’ll get someone to check it for you.
From the dialogue we know that …
a. The guest is complaning about the bedroom service.
b. The guest is complaining about the air conditioning
c. The guest is angry about the bad service
d. The guest is very disappointed about the situation
Jawaban : b
Pada soal diatas, “the guest” menyatakan komplain kepada customer service tentang AC yang tidak bekerja secara normal, maka jawabannya adalah b.
Demikian pembahasan singkattentang expressions of complaining and apologizing, semoga bisa memperdalam pemahaman dan latihan tentang materi tersebut. Apabila ada pertanyaan ataupun kesulitan tentang materi tersebut, silahkan isikan kotak komentar di bawah ini. Terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat.