Penjelasan dan Contoh Review Text Terlengkap - Penjelasan dan Contoh Review Text Terlengkap. Review text adalah salah satu jenis text yang di pelajari di SMA. Sesuai dengan namanya teks ini akan membahas atau meninjau tentang karya-karya populer dan terbaru. Baik itu berupa Novel maupun Film. Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut ini penulis akan memberikan penjabaran tentang point-point penting dalam Review Text. Silahkan baca postingan saya sebelumnya tentang Penjelasan dan Contoh News Item Text Terlengkap.

Definition of Review Text

Review Text adalah teks untuk menjelaskan kembali tentang sebuah produk, baik real seperti : produk-produk otomotif keluaran terbaru, maupun un-real seperti : film-film terbaru, diskusi beberapa tokoh terkemuka mapun hal lainnya yang sedang populer di masyarakat. Disebutkan pula bahwa Review Text harus berkaitan dengan produk yang benar-benar ada dalam dunia nyata, bukan sekedar narasi yang bertema imajinasi biasa.

Social Function of Review Text

Ternyata review text bisa berfungsi sebagai to criticise an art work, event for a public audience. (untuk memberikan kritik terhadap suatu karya seni, ataupun lainnya untuk khalayak umum). Keunikan lain mempelajari Review Text adalah kita dapat mengasah kemampuan untuk mempresentasikan sesuatu. Karena dalam review text penulis dituntut untuk mejelaskan sesuatu sedetail-detailnya dengan disertai deskripsi tentang kelebihan sesuatu yang dijelaskannya. Dan seperti halnya, teks-teks berbahasa inggris lainnya, review text juga mempunyai Generic Structure.

Generic Structure of Review Text

  • Introduction
bagian ini berisi tentang penjelasan mengenai deskripsi utama tentang sesuatu yang akan kita review, baik berupa produk dan pelayanan yang akan dipresentasikan kelebihannya maupun sesuatu yang ingin dikenalkan kepada khalayak luas.
  • Evaluation
tahapan kedua berkaitan dengan detail ketrangan yang ada dalam produk yang akan kita rwview keberadaannya. Mencakup bagian-bagian, keunikan serta kelebihan produk yang akan kita perkenalkan. Tetapi untuk tujuan tertentu reviewr hanya diperkenankan menyebutkan hal-hal positive tentang produk yang akan di review nya. Tahap evaluation ini juga akan membantu target untuk lebih memahami tentang produk-produk yang kita review.
  • Interpretation
Setelah menuliskan tentang keunggulan dari produk yang akan di presentasikan, kita harus menambahkan kesan-kesan atau apa yang ia rasakan setelah ia menikamti produk tersebut. Ini merupakan ide pribadi tentang produk tersebut, semata-mata hanya sebagai bahan pertimbangan terhadap kelebihan-kelebihan yang dipaparkan sebelumnya.
  • Summmary
Pada bagian ini, penulis memberikan kesimpulan kepada pembaca terhadap karya atau benda yang telah direviewnya. Setelah memberikan penjelasan di evaluasi dan pandangan penlis sendiri di interpretation, tibalah penulis memberikan komentar apakah karya atau benda yang direviewnya berharga atau tidak untuk calon pembeli.

Grammar Used

  • Fokus pada sebuah karya seni (buku, film, produk, dsb.) 
  • Review text ditulis de n gan menggunnakan pola kalimat present tense.
  • Di dalamnya banyak dijumpai adjective karena menjelaskan seuah karya (good, bad, excelent, great, etc.)
  • Terkadang menggunakan klausa yang cukup panjang.
  • Berisi perumpamaan atau analogi.

Example and Translate



The world's largest toy manufacturers from the United States, Hasbro, re-create the movie-themed games. If you previously relied-figure display Transformers sequel trilogy to be made-this time they put the war's most famous board game, Battleship.

Di dunia mainan produsen terbesar dari Amerika Serikat, Hasbro, kembali membuat film bertema permainan. Jika Anda sebelumnya mengandalkan tokoh-display Transformers trilogi sekuel dibuat-kali ini mereka menempatkan papan paling terkenal perang permainan, Battleship.

Evaluation 1

The story begins with NASA since 2005 to try to make contact with the outside world. Various ways they are doing to meet the "other friend" of humans. In other places, there was the story of Hopper brothers. His brother, Stone Hopper (Alexander Skarsgrad), commander of the U.S. Navy, forcing her brutal brother, Alex Hopper (Taylor Kitsch), entered Navy for having "ruined his life" with teasing Sam (Brooklyn Decker), the son of Admiral Shane (Liam Neeson ).

Cerita dimulai dengan NASA sejak tahun 2005 untuk mencoba untuk melakukan kontak dengan dunia luar. Berbagai cara mereka lakukan untuk memenuhi "teman lain" dari manusia. Di tempat lain, ada kisah Hopper saudara. Saudaranya, Batu Hopper (Alexander Skarsgrad), komandan Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat, memaksa saudara brutal, Alex Hopper (Taylor Kitsch), masuk Angkatan Laut karena telah "hancur hidupnya" dengan menggoda Sam (Brooklyn Decker), putra dari Laksamana Shane (Liam Neeson).

Evaluation 2

Credibility Alex tested when 14 states conduct exhibitions RIMPAC war games in Hawaii, USA. Alex had clashed with Captain Nagata (Tadanobu Asano) when Nagata kicked his face in a football tournament RIMPAC. This incident brought up when they meet again in the bathroom and clashing fist. Admiral Shane was very disappointed with Alex that it threatens to fire him.

Kredibilitas Alex diuji ketika 14 negara melakukan pameran RIMPAC war games di Hawaii, Amerika Serikat. Alex telah bentrok dengan Kapten Nagata (Tadanobu Asano) ketika Nagata menendang wajahnya dalam turnamen sepak bola RIMPAC. Kejadian ini dibesarkan ketika mereka bertemu lagi di kamar mandi dan kepalan bentrok. Laksamana Shane sangat kecewa dengan Alex sehingga mengancam untuk memecatnya.


Amid the exhibition, there are five unexpected alien ship glides to Earth, one devastated Hong Kong. The other was stranded in the middle of the ocean Hawaii. 'John Paul Jones' ship, who commandeered Alex and two other battleship, approached the foreign ships and the three ships trapped in an artificial electromagnetic fields of that foreign ships. This is where the battle occurred. Powerless looking man against sophisticated "alien" ships. Hope feels thin for young people to live. Are people going to survive? More details please watch the movie.

Di tengah pameran, ada lima kapal meluncur tak terduga alien ke bumi, satu hancur Hong Kong. Yang lainnya terdampar di tengah laut Hawaii. Kapal 'John Paul Jones', yang dikomandoi Alex dan dua kapal perang lainnya, mendekati kapal asing dan tiga kapal terjebak dalam medan elektromagnetik buatan bahwa kapal-kapal asing. Di sinilah terjadi pertempuran. Berdaya mencari orang melawan canggih "alien" kapal. Harapan terasa tipis bagi kaum muda untuk hidup. Apakah orang-orang akan bertahan? Lebih jelasnya silahkan menonton film.


Characterizations in the film is pretty good. Taylor Kitsch portrayed the bumbling leaders well, as he does in the movie Star Trek (2009). Assisted by some famous stars, such as Rihanna, who plays Cora Raikes, and Gregory D. Gadson as Colonel Mick Canales, Taylor makes this film interesting with some tense scenes and his unpredictable. Unfortunately, the plot is not too special, like a regular movie war strategy. But, with piggyback famous trademarks and well-known movie actor (swimsuit models Brooklyn Decker is known in the U.S.), the film is arguably packaged quite nicely. It's quite worth being watched if you want a fancy full-scene of action-movie strategy.

Karakterisasi dalam film ini cukup bagus. Taylor Kitsch digambarkan para pemimpin kikuk dengan baik, seperti yang dilakukannya di film Star Trek (2009). Dibantu oleh beberapa bintang terkenal, seperti Rihanna, yang bermain Cora Raikes, dan Gregory D. Gadson sebagai Kolonel Mick Canales, Taylor membuat film ini menarik dengan beberapa adegan tegang dan tak terduga itu. Sayangnya, plot tidak terlalu istimewa, seperti strategi perang film biasa. Tapi, dengan merek dagang terkenal kuda-kudaan dan terkenal aktor film (swimsuit model Brooklyn Decker yang dikenal di AS), film ini bisa dibilang dikemas cukup baik. Ini cukup layak diawasi jika Anda ingin mewah penuh adegan aksi-film strategi.

Contoh Pertama

In the movie, this story is presented to the audience as a flashback. The narrator is Rose, 101 years old, with the last name Dawson. She tells the story to a treasure hunter (Bill Paxton), who is looking for the famous (and valuable) Heart of the Ocean, a diamond that was given to Rose by her fiance, Hockley.

The recreation of the ship, both the exterior (the rendering for which was done using Digital Alpha processors running Linux) and the interior are impeccable. The dialogue is witty and brilliant. The movie is slow at times, but reaches its climax when the ship begins to sink. The fact that Cameron takes his time in telling the story makes it all the more tense. Cameron could’ve skimped in any of these areas (dialogue, cinematography, effects, authenticity) and still come out with a great movie, but he doesn’t. He sticks to the formula that has worked in other great epic movies, and he pulls it off one hundred percent.

The ship was thought to be unsinkable, and so a compromise was made on the number of lifeboats aboard. When the ship did sink, it is the richest that got first priority on the lifeboats. While they waited in half-full lifeboats, they were exposed to the cries of people freezing to their deaths and didn’t do a thing to help them. If a similar tragedy were to happen today, would the result be any different?

The acting is excellent by all concerned, but I was most impressed by Zane. The nice thing about a ship sinking is that it is a relatively slow event, and Cameron takes every advantage of it. The depiction of the mighty ship going under is so much larger than life and I feel this is the most magnificent part of the movie. Just for that reason alone, Titanic is a movie not just to be seen, but to be experienced. So make sure you see it on the big screen. It goes to show that the concept of the disaster movie is far from dead.

Contoh Kedua
Assalamu’alaikum Beijing

I really love all the novels written by Asma Nadia. So when the Assalamu’alaikum Beijing novel is filmed , I can hardly wait for the movie in theater. Because it is certainly very good quality movie.The film is directed by Guntur Soeharjanto. The film with the tagline “If you do not find love, let love find you”. In accordance with the novel title, the film is a lot to discuss religion and love. Soit is labeled as romantic religious genre.

The film tells the love story that is experienced by Asmara (Revalina S. Temat) who was broken heart knowing her fiance, Dewa(Ibn Jamil) had an affair with her friend Anita (Cynthia Ramlan) just a day before the wedding took place. At the same time, finally Asthma received a job in Beijing due to the help of Sekar (Laudya Cynthia Bella). On the way Asma met Zhongwen (Morgan Oey). Asma began to open her heart to Zhongwen. However, before continuing their relationship, Asma was diagnosed APS, a syndrome that made her life in danger and could die at any time.

The plot is interesting, combined with beauty of the city of Beijing gives this movie valuable. Moreover, the film was played by famous actors and actresses like Revalina S. Temat who has experienced in the world of cinema, Morgan Oey although this is his debut in feature films, but his acting is so admirable.

Essentially, this Assalamu’alaikum Beijing film must be watched. Because it is very high quality movie and inspires any audience. This film is suitable for you who need motivation to move on.

Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stones

Judged by this first volume, the Harry Potter books are a fine addition to English children’s fantasy literature. Harry Potter, orphaned when his parents are killed by the evil wizard Voldemort, is taken in by his aunt and uncle, who are Muggles – ordinary, non-magical people. Harry is rather out of place there, but things improve greatly for him when goes to the Hogwarts School of  Witchcraft and Wizardry – except that one of the staff is in league with Voldemort.

Part of  the attention of  Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone comes from the familiar but at the same time exotic setting of  an English public school, complete with houses and schoolboy adventures, in which Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione struggle to save the world and win the house cup.

So Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone will be a great Christmas present for kids who haven’t read it yet – and it is a book that adults (at least those without stunted imaginations) can read as well.                             
Read the text carefully and choose the best answer of each questions!   
1. The story of Harry Potter began when ....
A. He became an orphan
B. His uncle and aunt adopted him
C. Voldemort was killed
D. His parents killed Voldemort
E. His uncle and aunt killed Voldemort

2. When Harry Potter lived with his uncle and aunt, ....
A. He felt uncomfortable
B. He befriended Voldemort
C. Things improved in his life
D. He had fantasy about magic
E. He became ordinary people

3. We can conclude from the first paragraph that ....
A. Harry Potter’s parents were muggle
B. Harry Potter lived in a magical place
C. Harry Potter is a relative of  Voldemort
D. Harry Potter’s parents adopted him as an orphan
E. Harry Potter enjoyed his life with his uncle and aunt

Catatan : Terima kasih telah membaca Penjelasan dan Contoh Review Text Terlengkap.
Definition : Review text is an evaluation of publication, such as a movie, video game, musical composition, book; a piece of hardware like a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance, such as a live concert, a ply, musical theater show or dance show..
Purpose : To critique or evaluate an art work or event for a public audience
Generic Structure :
1. Orientation
2. Evaluation
3. Interpretative Recount
4. Evaluation
5. Evaluative Summation


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