Percakapan Bahasa Inggris : Giving Direction

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris : Giving Direction - Belajar bahasa Inggris pada kesempatan kali ini akan membahas mengenai sebuah dialog percakapan tentang "Giving Direction". Tentunya teman-teman sekalian pernah mengalami tersesat tak tahu arah, kaya lagu yah.., nah kali ini kita akan membahas ungkapan-ungkapan atau yang biasa disebut Expression untuk menanyakan arah dan menjawabnya. Untuk itu terlebih dahulu teman-teman simak dialog percakapan berikut ini. Check this out!!!

"Where is Swarahati Recording?"
Armand: Excuse me, Ipah. Are you busy at the moment?
Ipah : A little bit. What's up?
Armand: Well, I have to go to Swarahati Recording. How do I get there?
Ipah: So, you drive! Well, do you know Orchid Hotel?
Armand: Sure, It's on Jati Street.
Ipah: Yes. Flollow Jati Street. At the end of the street, turn left and get on the bridge. Cross it. You'll be on Cobra Street. Then go stright for two blocks.
Armand: Slow down, Ipah. So, after the bridge I just go along Cobra Street for two blocks.
Ipah: Yup. Afterwars, you must turn left to Merpati Street. The first buliding on the right is the public library. GO straight until you see the second intersection. Are you with me?
Armand: Hold on... I think so. Okay, go on.
Ipah: Do not cross the intersection. Look to your right. Swarahati Recording is located in the last building on the right. It's on the second floor.
Armand: THe last building, just before the second intersection... But do I have to make a u-turn?
Ipah: No, you don;t. It is one-way street.
Armand: Oh, thanks, Ipah.
Ipah: Anytime, Armand.

Percakapan di atas menunjukkan bahwa Armand tidak tahu arah ke Swarahati Recording. Dan Armand bertanya ke Ipah bagaimana untuk mencapai tempat tersebut. Armand menggunakan ungkapan:
  • I have to go ... . How do I get there?
  • Could you tell me where is ...?

Selanjutnya Ipah menunjukkan arah untuk mencapai Swarahati Recording dengan menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan sebagai berikut:
  • Go stright down. arti = Jalan lurus.
  • [Turn left/ turn right/ make U-turn] in the [T-junction/ Y-junction/ intersection/ roundabout/ traffic light]. arti = [Belok kiri/Belok kanan/ Berputar arah] di [pertigaan/ pertigaan berbentuk Y/ perempatan/ bundaran/ lampu merah].
  • Look to [right/ left] of the road. arti = lihat sebelah [kanan/ kiri] jalan.
  • The "Swarahati Recording [destination]" is [infront of/ behind/ between/ beside] the "Supermarket [the nearst builidng]". arti = "Suwarahati Record [tempat tujuan]" berada di [depan/ belakang/ antara/ samping] "Supermarket [bangunan terdekat].

Ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut merupakan ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan dalam percakapan "Giving Direction". Semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih.


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