Recount Text beserta Soal dan Jawaban (Gili Air)
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Recount Text beserta Soal dan Jawaban (Gili Air)
Soal UN SMP/MTs 2013
35. The purpose of writing the text above is …
A. to amuse the readers.
B. to advertise a tourism object.
C. to retell the writer‟s experience.
36. Jane did not join diving with the writer because …
A. the weather was hot at that time.
B. she had a bad experience with sea animals.
C. there were some fishermen catching the fish.
D. she preferred to wait for the writer at the seashore.
37. “It was a fantastic journey that I ever had.” (last paragraph)
The underlined word is similar in meaning to …
A. meaningful.
B. wonderful.
C. interesting.
D. amazing.
38. We can conclude from the text we know that the hotel they stayed ini …
A. had geckos farm.
B. was not luxurious.
C. served lunch and dinner.
D. only had bungalow.