GIBS Plants Friday, March 1, 2013 In this Saturday, I was try to take an object in school areas. And in the end, I was found this..... RelatedLatihan Gabungan PMR di SMA GIBSSosialisasi Program Adiwiyata SMA GIBS KalselSeleksi Siswa SMA GIBS angkatan 2 Sumber Share this post Related PostsLatihan Gabungan PMR di SMA GIBSTugas Praktikum Geografi Kelas X SosialSMA GIBS Barito Kuala KalselGIBS PlantsSosialisasi Program Adiwiyata SMA GIBS KalselSeleksi Siswa SMA GIBS angkatan 2Peresmian SMA GIBS dan Poltek Hasnur