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Wednesday, September 5, 2012
City check-in Garuda Indonesia
If you have business in town, you can pick up your boarding pass at one of our city check-in offices in Indonesia and Singapore. All you need to do is check-in at least 4 hours before flight departure. Then, make your way to the airport at your convenience. It means you’ll have more time to for yourself , and less time waiting at the airport. City check-in can be done by other people who are not passengers by showing the original document (e.g. ticket, Passport, Visa, etc).
For domestic flight service, a passenger who cancelled his/her flight will be charged 25% of normal tariff one way on his/her flight sector. At the following sales offices, Check-in can be done from 24 hours until 4 hours before flight departure on:
Monday – Friday: 07.30 a.m–04.30 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday-Holiday: 09.00-01.00 p.m.
Infant under two years of age not occupying individual seat and accompanied by an adult, shall be charged 10% of the full adult fare. If such infant occupies a seat, the charge will be 50% of the full adult fare.
All check-in procedures remain the same as normal check-in, except:
Baggage will be reported at check-in counter at departure airport.
Thank you for flying with Garuda Indonesia
(UN 2005)
21.What does the text tell us about?
A. How to check-in at a city, check-in officeB. How to get cheaper tickets
C. How to cancel flight
22.A one year old baby shall charged….of the full adult fare if she/he occupies a seat.
A. one percent B. one tenth
C. a quarter
D. a half
23.According to the text what does Garuda Indonesia offer?
A. A cheaper fareB. A more comfortable flight service
C. To check-in at more comfortable places
D. City Check-in
24.“All you need to do is to check-in at least 4 hours …” (paragraph 1)
The underlined word refers to ...
A. businessman The underlined word refers to ...
B. passengers
C. readers
D. people
Pembahasan kunci jawaban:
- A
Pada jawaban A merangkum semua isi dari teks di atas yang diperkenalkan pada kalimat ke dua paragraf satu. Jika diperhatikan semua paragraf setelahnya mebahas mengenai how to check-in at a city, check-in office - D
Lihat di paragraf ke 4. - D
Tetap terkait masalah topik dari teks. - D
Perhatikan kalimat sebelumnya. Kata kuncinya kata 'business'