Contoh, Rumus, dan Pembentukan kalimat The Passive Voice
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Passive Voice
Membentuk Kalimat Passive
Dalam kalimat pasif, objek dari kalimat aktif menjadi subjek di kalimat pasif. Contoh:
Active: The children helped the old man.
Passive: The old man was helped by the children.
Dari contoh di atas, terlihat bahwa objek (the old man) di kalimat aktif menjadi subjek di kalimat passive. Hanya kalimat transitif (kalimat yang membutuhkan objek) yang digunakan dalam kalimat passif. Contoh:
Active: An accident happened.
Passive: (tidak ada)
Pembentukan kalimat passive
Simple present | The boy recites the holy Qurân. | The holy Qurân is recited by the boy. |
Present continuous | The boy is reciting the holy Qurân. | The holy Qurân is being recited by the boy. |
Present perfect | The boy has recited the holy Qurân. | The holy Qurân has been recited by the boy. |
Simple past | The boy recited the holy Qurân. | The holy Qurân was recited by the boy. |
Past continuous | The boy was reciting the holy Qurân. | The holy Qurân was being recited by the boy. |
Past perfect | The boy had recited the holy Qurân. | The holy Qurân had been recited by the boy. |
(Simple) future | The boy will recite the holy Qurân. | The holy Qurân will be recited by the boy. |
Future perfect | The boy would have recited the holy Qurân. | The holy Qurân would have been recited by the boy. |
To be going to | The boy is going to recite the holy Qurân. | The holy Qurân is going to be recited by the boy. |
Infinitive “to” | The boy has to recite the holy Qurân. | The holy Qurân has to be recited by the boy. |
Present participle/ Gerund | I like inviting friends to my home | I like being invited to your home. |
- Present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous, future continuous, dan future perfect continuous tidak dipakai dalam kalimat passive.
- Biasanya kalimat pasif digunakan tanpa kata by. Kalimat pasif umumnya digunakan ketika pelaku (subjek) tidak dikenal atau tidak penting untuk diketahui. Kata-kata by people, by me, by you, by the, by someone, by a man, by a boy, by the servant, dan seterusnya tidak perlu dipakai. Contoh: (a) Rice is grown in India
bysomeone.(b) English is spoken all over the worldby people. - “will dan would” di atas mewakili bentuk kata modal dan frasa modal lainnya: should, can, must, may, shall, had better, ought to, have to, is supposed to dan lainnya.
Pembentukan kalimat passive dalam bentuk pertanyaan
Simple present | Do you paint the room beautifully? | Is the room beautifully painted by you? |
Present continuous | Are you painting the room beautifully? | Is the room being beautifully painted? |
Present perfect | Have you painted the room beautifully? | Has the room been beautifully painted? |
Simple past | Did you paint the room beautifully? | Was the room beautifully painted? |
Past continuous | Were you painting the room beautifully? | Was the room being beautifully painted? |
Past perfect | Had you painted the room beautifully? | Had the room been beautifully painted? |
(Simple) future | Will you paint the room beautifully? | Will the room be beautifully painted? |
Future perfect | Will you have painted the room beautifully before I come home? | Will the room have been beautifully painted before I come home? |
Infinitive “to” | Do you have to paint the room Beautifully? | Does the room have to be beautifully painted? |
Di dalam kalimat passive kata keterangan cara seperti beautifully, well, dan sebagainya biasanya diletakkan sebelum kata kerja ke III nya atau past participle. Contoh: The room was beautifully painted.
Rumus Passive Voice
Am, is, are, was, were | + Verb III/Kata kerja ke III | |
Modal (Will, shall, can, may, must, should, dll) | + Be | |
Have, has, had | + Been | |
Am, is are, was, were, preposition, Kata kerja diikuti oleh gerund (enjoy, Appreciate, mind, finish, delay, dll) | + Being |
- Mastering Modern English Structure (1987) oleh Drs. Azhar Arsyad, MA [beliau sudah menjadi Guru Besar di UIN Alauddin]
- Understanding and Using English Grammar, Third Edition oleh Betty Schrampfer Azar